Operation “Dawn”: Islamic Jihad decided not to cooperate

by time news

The Islamic Jihad announced that it has decided not to cooperate in mediation efforts for a ceasefire, until “we avenge the death of Khaled Mansour”, as was reported today (Sunday) on the al-Mayadeen channel from Palestinian sources.

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At the same time, the Mujahideen Brigades, the military arm of the Mujahideen movement in Gaza, issued a statement earlier today in which it was written that “we will continue our struggle alongside our brothers in the resistance factions, and remain integrated in the field. We are all in one trench, and we will go out, united, to defend our people and our nation until May the enemy pay the price for his crimes.”

As a reminder, the IDF spokesman confirmed this morning that the commander of the southern brigade, Khaled Mansour, was thwarted tonight along with his assistants. In addition, the commander of the Rafah brigade and another senior member of the organization were killed. In this incident, the wife of one of them was also killed. Mansour was involved in dozens of rocket attacks against Israel over the years. , from launching mortar bombs to firing advanced weapons. In addition, he was behind the attacks in which the late Col. Pinky Zoertz was injured and the late Major Eliraz Peretz and the late Sgt. Ilan Sviatkovski were killed.

The scene of Khaled Mansour’s assassination (Photo: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

In 2015, Mansour served as commander of the Northern Brigade of the Gaza Strip and was responsible for the tunnels file and the rocket unit of the Islamic Jihad. During Operation “Guardian of the Walls”, under his command, massive rocket fire was carried out towards Israel, mainly towards the settlements surrounding Gaza, Ashkelon and Ashdod.

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