Opponent: “Putin will destroy the world”

by time news
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Russian politician Leonid Volkov, who was the chief of staff of Alexei Navalny’s 2018 presidential election campaign, was interviewed by British Sky News and sharply attacked Russian President Vladimir Putin, who “caused terrible violence in Ukraine” and said he was capable of using weapons. And destroy the world.

“Now it is very clear that the world has to pay a high price to stop this war. But that price must already be paid because otherwise Putin will simply destroy the world,” Volkov said. In an interview, he was asked if he thought Putin intended to use nuclear weapons and replied, “He’s crazy enough. We can expect, unfortunately, the worst.”

Volkov shrugged off Putin’s moves and said: “The war is very painful. I want to cry, Putin is Russia’s president, this is Putin’s war, not my war. I ask my countrymen to cry with me. This is not our war, not ours. He is doing it. It is in his name only. “

The world fears that when pushed into the wall, Putin will use nuclear weapons. The CIA chief warned last week that there was such a concern. Speaking at a U.S. Congress intelligence conference, CIA chief William Burns said, “The Russian military echelon is considering using a smaller nuclear weapon. The Russian method of warfare is such that you escalate the war, just for the sake of escalation. So I believe the risk goes up. “According to this approach.”

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