Opposition Party Adopts Additional Witnesses for Impeachment Hearing, Including Lee Won-seok and Jeong Jin-seok

by times news cr

2024-07-17 10:38:43

With “I am shocked by the shamelessness of the opposition party”, he leaves
Wild, Hong Cheol-ho, Lee Dong-hyeok, and 6 others passed

The Democratic Party of Korea’s National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee Chairman Chung Cheong-rae passes a motion requesting additional witnesses to appear for the hearing on the ‘President Yoon Seok-yeol’s impeachment petition’ during a plenary session of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee held at the National Assembly on the 16th, while the ruling party lawmakers leave. News 1

The Democratic Party of Korea and other opposition parties held a plenary session of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly on the 16th and additionally adopted Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok and Chief of Staff to the President Chung Jin-seok as witnesses for the hearing on the “impeachment petition for President Yoon Seok-yeol” scheduled for the 26th. Following the previous adoption of Ms. Kim Kun-hee and President Yoon’s mother-in-law Choi Eun-soon as witnesses, they plan to summon Prosecutor General Lee and others to question them on the controversy over the botched investigation into Ms. Kim’s acceptance of luxury bags and suspicions of stock price manipulation. An official from the Office of the President stated that they would not respond, saying, “The Office of the President has never compromised on issues that have the potential to be unconstitutional.” The People Power Party protested, saying, “They even adopted the Prosecutor General, who is in charge of the investigation of Democratic Party leader candidate Lee Jae-myung, as a witness for the hearing,” and “It is shocking how shameless this is.”

The ruling and opposition parties argued at the plenary session that day over the legality of holding impeachment hearings on the 19th and 26th. People Power Party lawmaker Yoo Sang-beom, who was appointed as the ruling party floor leader of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee that day, said, “The Legislation and Judiciary Committee can only review an impeachment bill if a majority of the National Assembly members propose it and the plenary session decides to refer it to the Legislation and Judiciary Committee.” Fellow party lawmaker Joo Jin-woo asked, “If you unconditionally review national petitions because the matter is serious, would you also review a petition to expel candidate Lee Jae-myung from the National Assembly in connection with the ‘suspicion of corporate card misuse’?”

In response, Democratic Party member and Chairman of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee Jeong Cheong-rae argued, “Since the impeachment petition was automatically referred to the Legislation and Judiciary Committee, it is being reviewed in accordance with the National Assembly Act,” and added, “If you want to investigate, go to the National Assembly Secretariat that referred it and investigate.”

On his way home from work that day, the Prosecutor General met with reporters and said, “Dropping the Prosecutor General, who is in charge of the judiciary, into the unprecedented political matter of the impeachment hearing for the president is politics pushing the judiciary into a political strife.”

When the chairman of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee, Jeong, pushed for a vote on the adoption of six additional witnesses, including Prosecutor General Lee, Chief of Staff Jeong, Senior Presidential Secretary for Political Affairs Hong Chul-ho, and Presidential Archives Director Lee Dong-hyeok, the ruling party Legislative and Judiciary Committee members protested and walked out of the meeting room. The vote was passed as is, and the number of witnesses for the hearings on the 19th and 26th increased from 39 to 45. The ruling party Legislative and Judiciary Committee members held a press conference to condemn, criticizing, “The impeachment petition hearing that disregards the National Assembly Act is invalid from the beginning, so there can be no obligation for witnesses to attend.” The ruling party is also considering a plan to boycott the hearing on the 19th.

Reporter Ahn Gyu-young [email protected]
Reporter Kwon Gu-yong [email protected]

#impeachment hearing#additional witnesses

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2024-07-17 10:38:43

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