Opposition victory: Chief Rabbinate law falls – MKs crack “Jews had light”

by time news

The Knesset plenum rejected in a preliminary reading the Chief Rabbinate of Israel bill that seeks to change the public representation in the Electoral Assembly and thus eliminate the chance that rabbis supported by the great men of Israel will be elected.

MK Moshe Tor Paz’s bill (Yesh Atid) fell after a referendum in the plenum erupted during opposition elections after opposition members claimed that MK Nir Orbach said in the rounds that he did not participate but after Michan voted in favor. MK Ahmad Tibi said: “There are plagues in the plenum here that I have not seen for ten years.”

The plenum went on hiatus to find out, and after the inquiry, Knesset Speaker Miki Levy announced: “I made a decision to bring MK Nir Orbach to watch. We trust his integrity, he watched the film several times and he also did not know how to decide, but because of his integrity he said that because there is doubt then there is no doubt and therefore he will not be able to vote.” In light of this, 51 equality was recorded in the vote and therefore the law was not passed.

The proposal seeks to establish a number of changes in the process of electing the Chief Rabbis of Israel. Thus, it is proposed to change the composition of the members of the Electoral Assembly, to hold open elections in secret instead of determining that eligibility to serve as a judge or actual tenure as a judge are necessary conditions within the eligibility conditions required of a candidate for the Chief Rabbi of Israel.

The explanatory memorandum to the proposal reads: “The role of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel is to provide Jewish religious services, to constitute the state body that represents the Jewish religion and to allow the Israeli tradition to be brought closer to Israeli society. its”.

The authors of the law included incitement against the ultra-Orthodox as facts: “Political considerations, in a way that harms the purpose for which the Chief Rabbinate was established. Public trust in the Chief Rabbinate is at an unprecedented low, with surveys showing that about 80% of the Jewish public in Israel do not trust it.”

The explanatory memorandum to the law also states: “The Chief Rabbinate is headed by the two Chief Rabbis of Israel, and the Chief Rabbinate Council of Israel outlines the Chief Rabbinate’s policy on many issues concerning Jewish religious services. The Electoral Assembly, which aims to ensure representation of the general public, is composed mainly of representatives of the Chief Rabbinate, so that in practice it is a public body that elects itself by its representatives, while the public’s vote in the election process is small. Therefore, the existing law does not have any mechanism that guarantees significant representation for women within the Electoral Assembly, and representatives of Jewish and Samaria localities are not part of the Electoral Assembly, so there is no representation for the settlement enterprise. “

A.S. The Shas faction also issued a statement on the fall of the Chief Rabbinate’s Destruction Law under the headline: “The Jews had light and joy!

They also wrote: “The public in Israel senses how all the laws for the destruction of Judaism are discriminated against unnaturally. “This government, which has enshrined the erasure of Jewish identity, has no Dishmia faction.”

Chairman of the Torah Judaism faction, MK Yaakov Litzman: “On the night of Rosh Chodesh Adar II and the people of Israel are beginning to feel ‘and vice versa.’ “The Torah and Shas, along with all the opposition factions. Fortunately, the law to destroy the chief rabbinate fell and the attempt to harm the tradition of Israel did not succeed, this time.”

MK Yaakov Asher on the overthrow of the law for the destruction of the Chief Rabbinate: We must remember that the destroyers of religion did not go to sleep, we will continue to stand guard and fight until the overthrow of the malicious government and the removal of the danger that hovers over the remnants of Jewish character in the Land of Israel. “

MK Yoav Ben-Zur in response to the fall of the Chief Rabbinate Law – “Even in the concealment within the concealment, God is blessed. “Against all odds, few against many, by the grace of heaven we managed to bring down the law for the demolition of the Chief Rabbinate.”

MK Shlomo Qarai (Likud) added: “What a sweet victory! A really awkward coalition. They also fought Judaism and fell like flies. The law against the traditional chief rabbinate fell in the plenum after a steadfast struggle. On Rosh Chodesh Adar, a battle for Judaism cannot be lost… A good month for the people of Israel. “On the contrary, he will be ruled by the Jews.”

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