Oprof Viarzeit in the courtyard of Modzic • All events and times of Shabbat

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In the courtyards of the Admors and Chassidim:

Modzic: Shabbat will be held in the courtyard of the Modzic Chassidut Shabbat Aliyah to the Torah for the Admor’s great-grandson, the groom Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Taub son of Rabbi Aharon Taub Rosh Yeshivot Modzich with the daughter of the Admor of Lalev Yarzeit of his father, the Rebbe, owner of the Nahalat Dan from Modzich, on Saturday. The joy of the wedding on Tuesday in the halls of the royal palaces.

Slonim: Shabbat Sheva Brachot for the grandson of the Rebbe of Slonim, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Katz, with the daughter of Rabbi Shlomo Riesel Rosh including Slonim Bnei Brak. Simchat HaKiddusha will also be held on the occasion of the birth of the great-granddaughter of the Slonim Rebbe, the granddaughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Uri Weissblum, Rosh Yeshivat Slonim in Beitar, the daughter of his son Rabbi Elimelech Weissblum, will be held at the Slonim Great Court in Jerusalem.

Chai Nefesh: On Shabbat, the Yarzeit Day of the late Rabbi Yisrael Aryeh Zalmanovich, the author of the Chai Nefesh, takes place on Shabbat. Great Kiddusha and a third meal for the occasion.

Nadborna – Yaroslavl: Shabbat Sheva Brachot for the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Nadborna, daughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Avraham Rokach, son of the Rebbe of Yaroslavl, Rabbi Ben Zion Bernstein, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Kdoshet Shmuel Zvi, In Bnei Brak.

Amshinov – Premishlan: Simchat Hasheva Brachot to the grandson of the Rebbe of Primishlan, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Moshe Hillel Stern, son of Rabbi Yehoshua Menachem Stern Av Beit Din of Rachmestrivka Bnei Brak, with daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Moshe Halperin, son Hagatz Gavad Radomishla Ramot, and the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Amshinov, will be held at the Kahal Hassidim Court on Hill B in Beitar, on the occasion of the joyous meeting of the grandfather, the Rebbe of Amshinov in the city of Beitar with the Hasidim.

Bohosh – Wasloi – Skolen II: Shabbat Sheva Brachot to the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Bohosh, daughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Chaim Dov Halperin, son of the Rebbe of Wasloi, with the grandson of Rabbi Chaim Dov Stern Av Beit Din of Skolen Bnei Brak, The son of his son-in-law, Rabbi Shimon Yosef Stern, R.M. .

Toldot Avraham Yitzchak – Kalov – ISIS: The aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of the Rebbe from the history of Avraham Yitzchak, grandson of his son-in-law Rabbi Eliezer Zvi Toib, Av Beit Din of Kalov Beitar The son of his son-in-law, Rabbi Avd Nafalemitz, with the daughter of the Rebbe of ISIS Jerusalem, will be held at the Great Court of History of Avraham Yitzchak in the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem.

Viznitz Williamsburg: Aliyah to the Torah for the grandson of the Rebbe of Viznitz Williamsburg, son of his son-in-law Rabbi David Tversky Rosh Kollel Emet and Emunah Viznitz Monsey Nitz from Monsey, the daughter of his son, the late Rabbi Moshe Hagar, head of the small yeshiva, Emri Chaim Viznitz in Niek, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Bixad, will be held at the Great Viznitz Beit Midrash in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Viznitz Jerusalem: The Rebbe of Viznitz Jerusalem will stay with his followers in Lakewood on Shabbat, the prayers and tables will be held at the Vizhnitz Jerusalem seminary, it will be noted that the Viznitz Jerusalem community in the town of Likud is developing.

Skolen: Shabbat Sheva Brachot to the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Skolen, daughter of his son-in-law Rabbi Mordechai Dov Bek. The son of the Rebbe of Tcherkas, with the son of the late Rabbi Yissachar Berish, the son of Rabbi Bnei Shimei Tamshvar, the son of the late Rabbi Eliezer Shimei Lev Skolen in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Sovereign: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the son of the Rebbe of Sovereign, with the granddaughter of the late Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Fischer. It will be held at the Gali Sanz Hotel in the Kirya in Netanya.

Lizhensk: The aliyah to the Torah for the son of the Rebbe of Lizhensk with the daughter of Rabbi Yehuda Asheri will take place at the Ateret Chaya halls in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Viznitz – Pittsburgh: Shabbat Sheva Brachot for the grandson of the Rebbe with the Tiferet Mordechai from Pittsburgh, son of his son Rabbi Yaakov Hager, spiritual director of the Viznitz Yeshiva in Ashdod. With the granddaughter of Rabbi Menachem Ernster Rosh The Vizhnitz Yeshiva, the son of his son-in-law Rabbi Baruch Sternbuch, a rabbi of the Viznitz Chassidim in Brechfeld, will be held at the Great Beit Midrash in Kiryat Viznitz in the Second Temple.

Magenot Eliyahu: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the daughter of Rabbi David Rubinstein, Rabbi of the Beit Midrash Magenot Eliyahu in Jerusalem, with the grandson of the Rebbe of Shatz Vizhnitz, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Aharon Polak, son of Rabbi Grosswood , Will be held at the Magdot Eliyahu Beit Midrash on Minchat Yitzhak Street in Jerusalem.

Chernivtsi: Shabbat Sheva Brachot for the son of the Rebbe of Zidchoev Bnei Brak, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Horonchik ztl. Nitz in Beit Shemesh, the son of the Rebbe of Kassani, the son-in-law of the late Rebbe Moiznitz, author of the Mordechai Torah, will be held at the Chernivtsi High Court on Habakkuk Street in Bnei Brak.

Krali: The Rebbe of Krali who is in Poland on the occasion of the Hilula Kaddisha of the Rabbi Saba Kadisha of Radoshitz ZIA, meetings in Krakow, together with the Hasidic community of governors and supporters.

Zvehil: The Rebbe of Zvehil USA is sitting in the Boro Park neighborhood, on the occasion of Simchat Hasheva Brachot at the house of his brother Rabbi Shlomo Goldman, with the groom Gd Avdak Shania, the tishim and the meal will be held in the “People of Spain” halls.

Shomrei Emunim: The Rebbe of Shomrei Emunim, who is visiting the United States, is sitting in the neighborhood for the benefit of his holy institutions, on Shabbat he is sitting in the hostel of Rabbi Zvi Mordechai Ziskind.

The Halevi Tribe: The Rebbe of the Halevi Tribe who is staying in New York for the benefit of his institutions, sitting in the Borough Park neighborhood, on Saturday afternoon will deliver a sermon in Pirkei Avot in the seminary of his brother Hagatz Av Beit Din of Mahza Avraham.

Spinka: The great Kiddusha on the occasion of the birth of the granddaughter of Rabbi Yissachar Berish Weiss, son of the Rebbe of Spinka, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Moshe Hagar, son of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Hagar, son of the Rebbe of Shatz Viznitz, will be held at the Spinka Beit Midrash Danolo in Bnei Brak.

Spinka Ganei Gad: Peace be upon the grandson of the Rebbe of Spinka Ganei Gad, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Yissachar Ber Sofer, son of Rabbi Shalom Sofer, son of Rabbi Moshe Sofer Av Beit Din of Papa Jerusalem, will be held on Saturday night at the Spinka Beit Midrash in Gandhi Gad In the housing of the B.B.

In the courts of the great men of Israel, the rabbis and heads of the yeshivot:

Jerusalem: Rosh Yeshiva Hacham Shalom Cohen, President of the Council of Sages of the Torah, will spend Saturday at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, where he is hospitalized for local medical treatment. Petition in prayer for the healing of Rabbi Shalom ben Tufaha Malka.

Ner Yisrael: Rosh Yeshivat Ner Yisrael in Baltimore and member of the Council of Torah Scholars Rabbi Aharon Feldman came to visit the Holy Land on the occasion of the wedding celebration for two of his grandchildren, when Shabbat will be held on Shabbat Sheva Brachot The wedding of his grandson Habibu will take place as the son of the important young man Israel Meir Bachir Yeshivat Ponivez, the son of his son Rabbi Matityahu Rosh Kollel consecutive in Modi’in Illit, the celebration will take place at the Chen Palace in Bnei Brak

Mashgiach HaGrach Walkin: Simchat HaShabbat In the yard of Mashgiach HaGrach Walkin, in the USA Simchat Hasheva Brachot for the grandson of Mashgiach son of his son Rabbi Aharon Walkin

Atra Kadisha: Shabbat Sheva Brachot on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of Rabbi David Michael Schmidel, head of the Tiberias Kollel – Komemiyut and chairman of Atra Kadisha, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Hezekiah Ish Torchin, Mashgiach of Beit Halevi Yeshiva in Beit Shemesh Achvat Torah, the groom of the hospital Pinchas Torchin from the selves of the Salvodka Yeshiva.

Bnei Brak: The aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the great-grandson of the late Garach Greeniman, the grandson of his son Rabbi Yosef Greenman, with the granddaughter of the late Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg, It will take place in the Great Beit Midrash on 2 Chidushei Harim Street in Bnei Brak. The wedding will take place on the day Wednesday in the Halls of the Kings.

Imrei Yosher: The aliyah to the Torah on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of Rabbi Meir Greenman Tzai in the Ramat Aharon neighborhood. The wedding will take place on Sunday at the Royal Halls in Bnei Brak.

Knesset of Israel: On Shabbat, the Kiddusha Rabba will be celebrated with the birth of a daughter to Hagarach Brunner, one of the heads of the Knesset of Israel.

Beer Mordechai: Prayers continue for the healing of Rabbi Baruch Shmuel HaCohen Ben Leah Deutsch, Rosh Yeshiva ‘Beer Mordechai’ who needs multiple mercies from heaven and is in rehabilitation. Also on Shabbat they will petition in prayer for his complete healing.

Addition of Shabbat: On the orders of the great men of Israel, the Shabbat should be accepted early for the healing of Rebbetzin Feiga Tzipora, daughter of Hadassah Lau, wife of a member of the Leblachta Chief Rabbi Rabbi David Lau, whose medical condition is still very difficult.

Public figures, MPs, journalists and activists:

Congratulations to Tourism Advisor Dudi Rubinstein from Fancy Abroad on the occasion of his son’s marriage, with the daughter of CEO Ben Ben Abrami Feldman.

Congratulations to Mea Shearim Yoelish Kreuss, on the occasion of the celebration of his daughter’s engagement, with the important young man Moshe Lev.

Congratulations to Yona Wiesel, the dedicated assistant of MK Yaakov Asher, on the occasion of the joy of his engagement at a good time.

Congratulations to Israel Dranger, Chief of Staff Bnei Brak, Hanoch Zeibert, on the occasion of the joy of the engagement of the eldest daughter.

Congratulations to Tzviki Taub from Gur Hasidim, on the occasion of the daughter’s birthday at a good and successful time.

Congratulations to Dudi Katz, Head of the Office of the Deputy Mayor of Bnei Brak, Shlomo Kostelitz, on the occasion of the marriage of the eldest daughter at a good time.

Congratulations to Shimi Keshesh, Deputy Director of the Education Department and Director of the 360 ​​National Program in the Bnei Brak Municipality, on the occasion of the daughter’s birthday at a good time.

Congratulations to Moshe Erlanger from Kol Barama radio on the occasion of the Simchat Bar Mitzvah for his son.

Congratulations to Sofer Yisrael Hershkovitz from Ashdod, spokesman for Assuta Hospital, on the occasion of the celebration of his daughter’s engagement in Shatum.

Congratulations to the important young man Bnei Nafha from the Nadborna Chassidim on the occasion of the joy of his marriage. Shabbat aliyah to Torah in the courtyard of the Nadborna Hasidim in Bnei Brak, the joy of the wedding on Thursday next week at the ‘Royal’ halls in Bnei Brak.

Congratulations to Sofer Israel Pinchas Halevi Tyrnoar from the Rabbi’s Center, on the occasion of the joy of his daughter’s marriage this week.

Congratulations to Yair Yaffe, Chief of Staff of the Directorate of Independent Education, Lazar Sorotskin, on the occasion of his son’s engagement this week with the daughter of Moishe Roth, the insurance agent.

Congratulations to the esteemed groom Ariel Grossbard, a trustee of his immediate home to the overseer of the Garach Walkin, on the occasion of his marriage next week.

Congratulations to Reuven Korlansky, a senior member of the Bnei Brak municipality, and includes purities on the occasion of the joy of the engagement to his son.

Congratulations to the Belzai activist from New York, Rabbi Reuven Chaim Weinberger, on the occasion of the marriage of his grandson, son of his son Ari Dov.

Congratulations to Chabad emissary to the United Arab Emirates Levi Duchman, on the occasion of his engagement at a good time.

Congratulations to the joker and prayer leader Zelig Dresner on the occasion of the engagement of his important son the cradle Meir Sheikh with the daughter of Yaakov Shlomo Orlander from Montreal.

Congratulations to the Hasidic pop star Haim Shlomo Mayes on the occasion of his daughter’s marriage, with Ben Haim Kaufman from the owners of the ‘Ice Cream Corner’ chain of stores in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak

Shabbat entry and exit times Parshat Shelach (by bringing you abroad) in Israel and around the world:

Jerusalem – Shabbat entry: 19:12 | Saturday: 20:29 | RT: 21:04

Bnei Brak – Shabbat entry: 19:29 | Saturday: 20:32 | RT: 21:03

Modi’in Illit – Shabbat Entrance: 19:18 | Saturday: 20:31 | RT: 20:04

Petah Tikva and Elad – Shabbat entry: 19:12 | Saturday: 20:29 | RT: 21:04

Haifa – as Shabbat entry: 19:20 | Saturday: 20:34 | RT: 21:06

Ashdod – Shabbat entry: 19:27 | Saturday: 20:32 | RT: 21:01

Safed – Shabbat entry: 19:19 | Saturday: 20:32 | RT: 21:01

Tel Aviv – Shabbat entry: 19:27 | Saturday: 20:32 | RT: 21:07

Be’er Sheva – Shabbat Entry: 19:28 | Saturday: 20:31 | RT: 21:03

New York – Saturday: 20:11 | Saturday departure: 9:20 p.m.

London – Saturday: 21:05 | Saturday departure: 22:36

Antwerp – Shabbat entry: 21:42 | Saturday departure: 23:14

Zurich – Shabbat entry: 21:09 | Saturday departure: 22:29

Paris – Shabbat entry: 21:38 | Saturday departure: 23:04

Moscow – Shabbat entry: 20:58 | Saturday departure: 22:59

The public is called upon to continue and receive Shabbat half an hour before sunset for the benefit and healing of the sick of his people Israel.

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