Optical illusion: which zebra is looking into the camera?

by time news

Watch the video: Optical illusion – which zebra is looking into the camera?

Kenya is famous for its national parks. The Maasai Mara national game reserve is one of the most famous and important parks in all of Africa. It is famous for its predator populations, its elephants. and of course its zebras. And that’s exactly what is currently causing a funny dispute on social media. Sarosh Lodhi, a wildlife photographer from India, noticed that a snapshot of two zebras created a perfect optical illusion: which zebra is in front? The left or the right? Since then, users have been puzzling over the correct answer. “Clearly the left,” writes a user in Spanish. But the next one is sure: “The right one, pay attention to the shadows.” But the next moment he writes: “Damn, I’m not sure. It could also be the shadow of the left zebra’s neck.” One user may have already found the solution: “If we look closely, it’s not that hard… the light is falling diagonally from the right side of the picture… So it must be be the left zebra, otherwise the head of the right one would cast a shadow on the body of the left one…” Some remark that the zebras’ camouflage is so perfect that they can hardly be distinguished from one another. Nature is incredible, writes a user.

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