Optimize the joint production of wind and solar energy

by time news

2023-07-04 01:59:23

The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the University of Murcia have created a free access tool called Climax to optimize the joint production of wind and solar energy, as reported in a announcement.

The tool has been launched after an international study published in the journal Earth’s Future (1) and led by researchers from the University of Murcia and the Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI) Climate and Climate Services of the CSIC, which proposes a strategy based on the analysis of the natural variability of resources.

It is a model that identifies those regions where solar and wind energy can be used to the maximum from a joint perspective. According to the researchers, an optimal location of the facilities for each technology would reduce monthly anomalies in the total electricity production of these two resources by up to 60%.

“A new methodology based on climate science”

“We present a new climate science-based methodology to reduce unwanted intermittency from joint solar and wind generation, with the aim of helping plan the deployment of new renewable production units,” the researchers explained in the study.

In this sense, the experts have considered that the European regions included in the analysis should make efforts in their energy policies towards the deployment of more solar installations in order to reduce the month-to-month volatility of the combined wind-solar production.

“The benefits would be enormous, especially for regions of southern Europe and on a continental level,” they concluded.

References (1) An Action-Oriented Approach to Make the Most of the Wind and Solar Power Complementarity. Earth’s Future.

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