Optometry is one of the most booming careers in Mexico

by time news

2023-06-08 15:19:42

In Mexico, optometry is a discipline in constant growth since the demand for professionals trained to detect and treat vision diseases in the population is increasing. Have you considered studying this medical discipline? Below we will tell you about the panorama of this in the country and the relevant role played by the professionals who are dedicated to it.

Current panorama of optometry in Mexico

Optometry is a medical discipline that is responsible for preventing, detecting and treating vision diseases and refractive disorders. In Mexico, in the year 2020, 3,800 optometrists and optometrists were registered, according to data offered by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a ratio of at least 1 optometrist for every 10,000 inhabitants, in order to guarantee adequate access to visual health services. Although this amount may vary depending on some factors such as:

  • Population density.
  • Access to health services.
  • Prevalence of eye diseases in a certain area.

It should be noted that Mexico faces a great problem in terms of inequalities in access to health services, mainly in rural and marginalized areas.

Main eye diseases in Mexico

In Mexico, visual disorders are a great challenge, since they affect a large percentage of the population. According to data from the Ministry of Health, the main visual diseases in the country are: myopia, farsightedness, cataract, glaucoma and presbyopia. The lack of access to quality health services and little awareness about the importance of prevention and treatment of these diseases contribute to the exacerbation of the problem.

This is how optometry professionals can help cure these diseases

Optometry professionals are specialists in preventing, detecting and treating vision diseases. They can perform exams for eye disease, prescribe corrective lenses, and provide eye care advice.

They can also collaborate with other health professionals from other areas, such as ophthalmologists, in order to assist in the treatment of complex eye conditions. That is why the branch of optometry is having such a boom in Mexico today.

#Optometry #booming #careers #Mexico

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