Oral health.. Eat these foods to keep your teeth clean and healthy

by time news

by |
Maha Mohieldin |

Thursday, March 24, 2022 – 02:01 am

Poor oral hygiene not only leads to cavities, tooth erosion and gingivitis, but is also linked to heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and the best way to avoid tooth decay is to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.
And while brushing and flossing twice daily are essential steps to maintaining oral health, the food you eat can also help keep your teeth shiny and strong, and according to health experts, two types of foods can help reduce the risk of dental problems.


In an interview with the British tabloid, Dr. Khaled Kassem, chief orthodontist at Impress, revealed that some foods help remove plaque and maintain healthy gums, explaining that chocolate is one of the foods that can help maintain dental health.
Qassem added that the chocolate bean contains strong antibacterial agents that can help avoid dental problems, but this does not mean excessive consumption of chocolate. A small piece of chocolate per day is enough to help prevent tooth decay.

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Dairy products

The second food that Qassem referred to is dairy products that are rich in calcium and vitamin D, and he explained that including dairy products in the daily diet can help strengthen and whiten teeth.
Besides, calcium and phosphate in dairy products provide adequate nutrients to your teeth and rebuild tooth enamel.

Other foods that can protect your teeth

Although dairy and chocolate were the main choices for Dr. Qassem, he mentioned that berries and their family are also excellent fruits for those trying to maintain oral health. Fruits like strawberries and apples are rich in nutrients and are also rich in fiber that can clean plaque and reduce the risk of developing plaque. caries;
And when you chew this fruit, your mouth produces more saliva that acts as a dental protector and removes plaque, and it’s low in sugar, so you don’t have to worry about the quantity. Berries also have antioxidant properties and can help reduce the risk of chronic disease. .

Foods bad for your teeth

While some foods can help improve oral health, others can make it worse. If you’re already dealing with dental problems, it’s best to avoid foods that are not good for your oral health if eaten in excess:
citrus fruits
Sports drinks
Soft drinks

Oral health tips

Small habits can greatly affect your oral health in the long run, so putting in a little effort every day can keep your teeth and gums healthy. Some of the things you can do are:
Quit Smoking
Avoid alcohol
brush your teeth twice
Use the floss after every meal
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Try swishing with coconut oil

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