Order of deportation of Russian speakers from Donetsk

by time news

Time.news — Last Friday, a Volodymyr Zelensky resembling more and more Chaplin, less and less like Churchill, took the order of the evacuation from the city of Donetsk. This order issued in the context of one of his amateur-type videos, where we see the unshaven president, in his now traditional short olive green shirt, is an ukase which does not come preceded by any consultation, no more local authorities, as well as international entities intervening in this type of warlike configuration, such as the Red Cross.

Not only does the order come without any guarantees for the displaced persons, but also, in the same press release, Zelensky enjoins the inhabitants of Donetsk to ” approach the remaining fighters. Try to convince them that you have to leave “. The subliminal message is not perceived by Western media. But by deciphering the imposition, it consists in passing the Russian speakers of Donetsk through the caudine forks of the Ukrainian nationalist militiamen to obtain a safe conduct within the framework of the deportation organized precisely by the latter. In any case, if this were to be confirmed, Zelensky would be committing another crime against humanity. The deportations of populations are prohibited by the Fourth Geneva Convention, with the aggravation that the persons in charge of the transfer of civilians would be their aggressors.

Zelensky explains that the purpose of this deportation is ” not to give the russians the opportunity to kill more people “. However, Zelensky associates the inhabitants of Donetsk with the Russians, even with traitors. This puts these populations in a situation of extreme risk. It is potentially 220,000 people, including a quarter of children who would be concerned. This population has been the victim of acts of treason against humanity, committed by Ukrainian paramilitary groups since 2014. They should have been protected by the Minsk agreements, which have never been respected.

If this deportation is confirmed, it will take place in the total absence of witnesses. The OSCE, for what it served, withdrew as soon as the Russian intervention began and there is no international journalistic presence there that does not come accompanied by a liaison officer from the Ukrainian government. A press completely acquired in advance, in any case, with the speech of kyiv.

Mandatory evacuation is another way of saying deportation. When it comes to talking about the displacement of ethnic groups in a former Soviet Republic, one should be very careful given the tragedies and crimes against humanity that the deportations represented in the Soviet Union. Of the Ukrainians, the collective unconscious retains the ultra-zealous collaboration with the Nazis—which in Bessarabia had come to shock even the most ruthless German war criminals in Bessarabia. On the other hand, public opinion forgets that this barbarity is combined with another category of crime against humanity. Ukraine, the smallest republic of the Soviet Union, was also the most represented among the siloviki of the repression of the former USSR. To the extent that this country maintains an unusually rigid cross-generational bond with its infamous past on both sides, anything it does, once there is forced displacement, should be dreadful. .

Why now ? The risk for Zelensky would be to return to the pre-2022 situation. In October 2021, the recurrence of her name was associated with the Pandora Papers. Forbes magazine fired red bullets against his government, as one of the most corrupt in the history of Ukraine. His 2019 reform-minded political image, which would put an end to the rule of the oligarchs, took a hit, discovering that he had accumulated more offshore companies than any of his predecessors, yet among the most corrupt proxies in the world. world. Several Zelensky structures were discovered in the British Virgin Islands, Belize, Cyprus, among others. What the Pandora Papers revealed at the end of 2021 is that Zelensky’s Ukraine is the country in the world with the most structures offshore open for politically exposed personnel (PEP). 38 companies against 19 in Russia and 9 in Brazil, to compare with other nations rich in raw materials, with a level of critical legal uncertainty and opportunities for corruption as a result. Ukraine, not even having the size of an administrative sub-division of one of these two countries, passed hands down the level of political immorality.

Zelensky, his wife and several people around him own a network of siphoning companies. This was demonstrated in 2021. Between his people are his first adviser Sergey Shefir, Ivan Bakanov ex-head of the SBU, his friend Andrey Yakovlev from his former production company. The dispute has also placed a veil of modesty over the $40 million laundering scandal at Privat Bank, the company owned by Zelensky’s mafia godfather, Igor Kolomoiskyi. In 2021, Zelensky had not yet been able to censor all dissident newspapers, as is the case in 2022. His probability of re-election was extremely compromised. This corruption was orchestrated within the framework of the exceptional transfer of funds which goes from 2014 to 2021. Since then, the stratospheric funds arriving from the West to this highly corrupt government are without historical measure.

Nothing is more dangerous than a corrupt president, who has everything to lose and would be held accountable if normality returns. Those days in power depend primarily on Joe Biden’s political longevity, if not his longevity at all. This is why it is advisable to be attentive to the fate of the populations delivered to its vengeance and to resume the difficult inventory of the funds allocated to Ukraine.

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