Order of doctors, ‘for every euro invested in the NHS we get 1.8’ – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

2024-04-07 07:21:13

(ANSA) – PAVIA, 06 APR – “A study has shown that for 1 euro invested in the National Health Service, 1.8 is obtained. It is proof that healthcare must be considered a resource and an engine for the economy, not just a cost as happens today.” This was said by Filippo Anelli, national president of the Medical Associations, speaking in Pavia at the conference on the theme ‘The environment and health: the challenges that await us.
The commitment of doctors in a one health perspective. What solutions?’.
The meeting, in the great hall of the Ghislieri College, was organized by the Medical Association of Pavia together with FnomCeo (National Federation of the Orders of Medical Surgeons and Dentists) and the regional Federation of the Orders of Medical Surgeons and Dentists of the Lombardy.
“Today in Italy we have to deal with the lack of attractiveness of the medical profession – underlined Anelli – many of our best colleagues go abroad, where they are highly appreciated. Then we need more planning. This year in our country 15 thousand will retire doctors; this was already known ten years ago, when however there were ‘only’ 10 thousand enrolled in Medicine. On the contrary, this year there are 20 thousand enrolled in Medicine and in 2034 the doctors who will retire will be 7 thousand. If you don’t plan, you will risks moving from the current training funnel to a professional funnel”.
Another sore point is that concerning doctors’ salaries: “In Italy they are too low, and not in line with the European average – said Anelli – new resources are needed, but also the will to defend the National Health Service.
Healthcare regionalism must be rethought, in terms of equality and solidarity. As doctors we care about the health of citizens: we need a balanced and livable ecosystem. Our professional associations have a strategic role: they must also promote health policies and lifestyles.”

2024-04-07 07:21:13

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