Orelsan, Angèle, Stromae… as usual

by time news

Tripled for Orelsan who is approaching the record number of titles, doubled for Angèle and for Stromae… The summary of the Victoires de la Musique evening.

Source AFP

Rapper Orelsan reacts after receiving the Victory for Best Male Artist 2023.
Rapper Orelsan reacts after receiving the Victory for Best Male Artist 2023.

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Lhe years follow each other and resemble the Victoires de la Musique. Rapper Orelsan, who left in 2022 with three Victories, repeated the feat this year. He thus exceeds the number of awards received by Johnny Hallyday and Alain Souchon, and now counts 12 Victories, against 10 for the two stars of French song. For their part, the Belgians Angèle and Stromae signed a double each (five Victories in total in her career for her, seven for him).

Orelsan, 40, is a triple winner for the music video for « The quest », the song of the year for this same title and the concert of the year. The Norman rapper is only one length away from the record of 13 trophies, co-held by M and Alain Bashung.

Calogero’s tackle

This does not help the situation for a ceremony accused of rewarding the same artists in waves. Calogero, honorary president of the Victoires, has also taken advantage of this platform to tackle certain decision-makers in the music industry and encourage them to go and find more new talent. The singer attacked, without naming anyone, officials guided by marketing studies: « We don’t confine artists, we don’t shape them. »

In the regulars category, Stromae, 37, won Male Artist of the Year and Best Album. He comes a long way. After a long break caused by a burn-out, the artist resumed his flight with the album Multitude. « I’m still a little moved »said the singer on the microphone, who thanked his relatives who work with him, his brother Luc Van Haver and Coralie Barbier, his wife.

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Forgotten the depression, aggravated by the side effects of an antimalarial, which had grounded the slender musician a few years ago in the wake of an exhausting world tour. Stromae returned to the stage in 2022, a first for seven years, to defend the successor to his album Square root (2013, that of consecration). With Multitudehe found the winning recipe.

Another Belgian, Angèle, 27, therefore achieved a double with the Victory of the female artist and the title of the female artist with the most streamed album for Ninety-Five.

« Children of workers »

There were two emotional sequences in the ceremony. Serge Lama received a Victory of Honor, the 600e award given in the history of the ceremony, which celebrated its 38e editing. And to receive a standing ovation on the eve of his 80th birthday. « I was very moved, because I knew it would be my last night in front of a standing audience. This victory makes me very happy, because it comes from the profession. It was the right time: I’m leaving… » told the press the one who will no longer sing. « This Victory crowns a career, I have a lot of projects, probably my autobiography, but other things without singing that I can’t talk about yet. »READ ALSOMusic: what is the documentary on Clara Luciani worth?

The other touching moment was November Ultra, sacred feminine revelation, recalling in tears that her mother said to her: « You know, the children of workers, it’s rare that they become artists. » The Belgian Pierre de Maere was crowned male revelation. These are two new faces that are too rare and we will therefore no doubt hear in the days to come the refrain about the Victories which too often come from the same artists. The absence of specific prizes for popular musical styles, such as electro or rap, has thus been the subject of much criticism.

« Above all, stay well between you and your little arrangements, we don’t need you to exist, and to be the only French music that is exported », thus lambasted on Twitter Yuksek, a figure of electro. For its part, rap, apart from Orelsan, is also under-represented in the queen categories with regard to the bubbling French-speaking scene and its hegemony. Ninho, crowned with a Victory for male artist to the most streamed album, was not even present to receive his prize.

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