organic fertilizer, no pyre, no grave; The corpse can be composted – no pyre, no grave; can be composted

by time news

achu.sp | Samayam Malayalam | Updated: Sep 30, 2022, 7:40 PM


After a person dies, it is customary in our country to make preparations for cremation according to religious customs and to bury the body with maximum respect and courtesy without any innovations. In our country there is an opportunity to cremate the body and bury it in a pit or a grave according to the customs and family interests. But all these methods have problems when considering the increasing population in cities. The government of the state of California in the US has approved a method of burying the body without including environmental problems. Compost the dead body. Although composting is already approved in several states in the US, it was approved in California after much effort. It is described as the most nature-friendly cremation method. There are many institutions in the US that perform this type of cremation.

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