2024-09-05 17:06:35
Most of the cases involve drug-related crimes, but the number is falling: In Germany, the number of cases involving clan crime has fallen slightly.
Almost half of all cases relate to drug trafficking and smuggling. In addition, several cases have been initiated for economic crime, human trafficking and money laundering.
The number of suspects in the relevant proceedings was significantly lower last year. It fell from 804 to 727. Almost half of the suspects had German citizenship. According to the report, 100 people were Turkish citizens, 72 Syrian and 61 Lebanese. The nationality of 57 people remained unclear.
The origin of the clans in the individual cases was also recorded. In 13 cases, the clans came from the Mhallamiye, a Kurdish group that originated in Lebanon. In 12 cases each, clans of Turkish and Arab origin were involved. A minority comes from the Western Balkans. Russian-Eurasian, Italian and biker groups, on the other hand, are not included in clan crime. These areas are each recorded separately.
According to the Federal Situation Report, the authorities define a clan as an “informal social organization that is determined by a common understanding of the ancestry of its members.” It is characterized by a hierarchical structure, a strong sense of belonging and a common understanding of norms and values.