Origins of Magnetic Fields Revealed: New Research Sheds Light on the Source

by time news

Title: Columbia Study Reveals Origins of Magnetic Fields in Turbulent Plasma

Subtitle: New research sheds light on the source and amplification of magnetic fields across the universe

Date: July 31, 2023

Columbia University researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the origins of magnetic fields in the universe. Their study, published in Physical Review Letters, demonstrates that turbulent plasmas can spontaneously create and amplify magnetic fields, providing valuable insights into the process through which these fields stretch over vast distances.

The presence of magnetic fields has been observed not only on Earth but also in celestial bodies such as stars, galaxies, and the space between galaxies. However, scientists have long been puzzled by the source of these magnetic fields and the reasons for their widespread existence.

The research team, led by astronomy professor Lorenzo Sironi, delved into the study of turbulent plasma to investigate the origin of magnetic fields. While plasma is commonly found in ultra-hot environments like the sun’s surface, it is also present in low-density areas throughout the universe, such as the expansive space between galaxies.

By utilizing models and simulations, the scientists discovered that turbulent plasmas not only generate new magnetic fields but also have the ability to amplify them. This finding helps unravel the mystery of how magnetic fields that originate on smaller scales can extend across immense distances.

The team’s simulations revealed the birth and growth of magnetic fields in turbulent plasmas, showcasing the transition from weak fields on small scales to stronger fields on larger scales. This research provides a glimpse into the spaces where magnetic fields are born and how they evolve in the pristine and remote realms of the universe.

Lead author Lorenzo Sironi expressed his excitement about the study’s findings, stating, “Even in the most pristine, vast, and remote spaces of our universe, roiling plasma particles in turbulent motion can spontaneously give birth to new magnetic fields. We are now able to envision the ‘seed’ that can sow a new magnetic field and understand how it grows.”

The research paper, co-authored by Luca Comisso, an astronomy research scientist, and Ryan Golant, an astronomy doctoral candidate, provides critical evidence of the original source of magnetic fields and offers insights into their subsequent growth.

As scientists continue to explore the mysteries of magnetic fields, this research represents a significant step forward in our understanding of the universe’s magnetic origins. By shedding light on the intricate mechanisms that underlie magnetic field generation and amplification, this study opens up new avenues for future research and further expands our knowledge of the cosmos.

“Generation of Near-Equipartition Magnetic Fields in Turbulent Collisionless Plasmas” by Lorenzo Sironi, Luca Comisso, and Ryan Golant, 31 July 2023, Physical Review Letters.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.055201

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