Orit Struck’s son hit by stone throwing “tried to murder”

by time news

Matty Burnhart, Knitted News25.05.22 07:18 24 Bayer Tishpev

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From the Twitter of MK Orit Struck

The son of Member of Knesset Orit Struk (Religious Zionism) and his children were injured last night (Tuesday) after Arabs threw stones at his vehicle in the village of Huwwara in Samaria.

The father, and the two children, two years old and a 4-year-old girl, were evacuated to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer in a mild-moderate condition. Son of a Member of the Knesset, The 25-year-old said Palestinians threw stones at his vehicle, resulting in him losing control, causing an accident.

More on the same topic

Arabs suspected of throwing stones in Jerusalem were arrested

The MK shared the incident on Twitter, with photos of the wrecked vehicle, and wrote: “Arabs tried to murder my son and little grandchildren in Huwara!”.

In addition, a 65-year-old man was lightly injured in another stone-throwing incident near the village of Singil in Benjamin. He was evacuated by MDA staff to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

Meanwhile, clashes broke out between the IDF and Palestinians in Judea and Samaria tonight. Palestinians have been killed and several dozen wounded.

An IDF spokesman summed up the night’s events

Tonight, IDF, GSS and Border Police fighters worked in a number of centers throughout the Judea and Samaria Division to arrest wanted persons suspected of terrorist activity, including in the villages of Husan, Beit Kahil and the city of Qalqilya.

During the operation of the forces in the village of Beit Kahil in the Judea Regional Brigade, a suspect was arrested for involvement in terrorist activity, and tens of thousands of shekels were also confiscated, which were allegedly intended for terrorist activity. At the same time, IDF fighters operated in the city of Qalqilya and arrested three wanted individuals suspected of involvement in terrorist activities.

Also, during the coordinated entry of worshipers tonight to Yosef’s tomb in the city of Nablus, a violent disturbance developed with the participation of hundreds of Palestinians who threw stones and threw Molotov cocktails at the forces. The fighters responded by firing at a suspect who threw a Molotov cocktail. Injury detected. In addition, gunshots were heard in the area.

During the night, six wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities were arrested and terrorist funds transferred for further investigation by the security forces were confiscated. There are no casualties to our forces.

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