Ornella Muti on “Verissimo” defends the farmers’ protest

by time news

February 11, 2024 6:44 pm

The actress explains her choice to join the tractor protest: “Important battle for our land and our food”

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  • Guest at “Very true” the actress Ornella Muti explains the decision to go to the front line alongside the farmers Italians in the tractor protest. “I think that every now and then we have to expose ourselves and I have always had a great attention for food”, says Muti. The actress highlights the reasons for a protest involving dozens of countries of the Old Continent critical of the country’s agricultural policiesEuropean Union. “We must preserve our land which is what nourishes us and I think we should eat our food that comes from the earth,” adds Muti.

    In the lounge of the Canale 5 talk show Ornella Muti states the need to help in particular small farmers: “They need support because otherwise they can’t do it. They are small but they make a big difference,” says the actress. The organizers of the protest have announced a demonstration for Thursday at the Circus Maximus in Rome where 20 thousand farmers are expected to ask for concrete help from the sector.

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