ORSINI: The people take to the streets to overthrow Macron instead of Putin – VP News – ‘forbidden to speak’

by time news

2023-07-04 21:28:46

The people take to the streets to overthrow Macron instead of Putin.

“Once the war broke out in Ukraine, Italy became radicalized under the pressure of the main newspapers. By radicalization, I mean the socio-psychological process that pushes an individual to embrace extremist ideas. The extremism of these newspapers can be summed up in three ideas that forge a radical cognitive scheme. The first idea envisages Russia’s defeat on the ground at all costs, including the risk of nuclear escalation: no diplomacy, only war. The second idea is that the world is divided between the forces of good and evil. The criterion for distinguishing the two camps is White House policy. Biden’s line is sacred and cannot be discussed. Anyone who criticizes it ends up on a blacklist and then exposed to public ridicule and collective insult. There are no pacifists: only the “pacifists” exist. It is what in my studies I call “binary code mentality”. The third extremist idea is that there are only two types of civilization: the superior civilization of the European Union and the inferior one of Russia which has nothing attractive about it. The Russians live in poverty and are close to bankruptcy. They have no weapons or will to fight because they are subjugated by a dictator they hate and against which they are ready to rebel. The life of Russians is sad and miserable. The Russians are a failed people, easy to defeat.
Four facts have disproved this mental scheme which, like all extremist cognitive schemes, survives the evidence.

The first is Russian GDP growth.

The second is the Russian victory at Bakhmut, the most important battle of the war.

The third is the Prigozhin revolt: the Russian people and its ruling class had the opportunity to rebel against Putin, but rallied around him.

The fourth fact is the revolt in Paris.

According to major newspapers, the people should have taken to the streets in Russia to overthrow Putin. Instead, he took to the streets in Europe to overthrow Macron. The revolt in Paris is equal to the revolts in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria. The same hatred seen against Bassar al Assad in Syria appears in France against Macron and Ursula von der Leyen. With the difference that in France there is no Islamic country that supplies the rebels with machine guns and hand grenades, as the Western bloc did with the Syrian rebels with the secret CIA plan, “Timber Sycamore”, wanted by Biden at the time of Obama. If an Islamic bloc did to France what the Western bloc did to Syria, France would be finished and probably the European Union as well. The dead in France would be tens of thousands and the revolt would almost certainly spread to other countries of the European Union. What can we learn from these four facts? From an anthropological-cultural point of view, we learn that the liberal culture of the European Union is equal to the fascist culture of the 1930s in three respects. The first is the belief that one is a superior civilization; the second is military aggressiveness according to which all problems are solved with wars; the third is the conviction of being unbeatable. In addition to the cultural elements, there are also common systemic elements, including the arms race and a major revanchist power in Europe, Russia. With a novelty: the nuclear warheads in Belarus aimed at Ukraine”.


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