Oscar-Nominated Composer Danny Elfman Sued for Failure to Pay Settlement in Sexual Harassment Case

by time news

Title: Oscar-nominated Composer Danny Elfman Faces Lawsuit over Unpaid Settlement in Sexual Harassment Case

Date: Thu 20 Jul 2023

Danny Elfman, the renowned composer known for his collaborations with filmmaker Tim Burton, is facing a lawsuit after allegedly failing to pay $830,000 to a victim of sexual harassment. The incident dates back to 2017 when 70-year-old Elfman was accused by composer Nomi Abadi, 35, of exposing himself and masturbating without her consent on two occasions.

According to Rolling Stone, Elfman and Abadi reached a settlement agreement that involved payments spread out over five years. However, Elfman reportedly missed two payments totaling $85,000, prompting Abadi to take legal action against him for breach of contract. The complaint also mentions that the payments were directed to an undisclosed charitable foundation.

Elfman has vehemently denied the allegations, describing his relationship with Abadi as platonic and denouncing her claims as “vicious and wholly false.” In a statement, he blamed her alleged longstanding crush as the motivation behind the accusations. Elfman affirmed his innocence, stating, “I have done nothing indecent or wrong, and my lawyers stand ready to prove with voluminous evidence that these accusations are false.” He further condemned the allegations as “baseless,” according to a spokesperson for Variety.

Elfman’s representative argued that the composer was forced into accepting the settlement due to threats during the height of the #MeToo movement. They claimed that Elfman faced a difficult choice between protecting his career and providing for his family or persisting with a potentially unwinnable battle to prove his innocence.

In addition to the allegations of sexual harassment, Elfman is also accused of coercing Abadi into a nude photoshoot, with Rolling Stone reporting that he framed nudity as an essential part of his creative process.

Danny Elfman’s distinguished career includes four Oscar nominations and 14 Grammy nominations. He has been a long-standing collaborator with director Tim Burton, working on musical scores for popular films such as Batman, Spider-Man, and Edward Scissorhands. Recently, they teamed up for the successful Netflix series Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Nomi Abadi founded the Female Composer Safety League, an organization dedicated to safeguarding female musicians within the industry. At a recent press conference alongside other survivors of sexual misconduct, Abadi emphasized the importance of centering the experiences of assault survivors in the music industry.

The ongoing legal battle between Danny Elfman and Nomi Abadi highlights the persistence of sexual harassment issues within the entertainment industry. It also underscores the need for continued efforts to support victims and promote a safe and inclusive environment for all professionals in the field.

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