Oscar Pistorius, the prince who turned into a monster

by time news

2023-11-30 10:00:39

«Paralympic superstar» It is still an oxymoron. This category could only be applied to Oscar Pistorius. The South African runner maintains the records in 100, 200 and 400 meters. He was the first Olympic athlete with a double amputation at the 2012 London Games. A year later, the prince of Johannesburg was transformed into a monster. Just like in Frozen, a song to plebeian love where the bad guy is overflowing with royal blood.

Pistorius killed his partner and model, Reeva Steenkamp, on Valentine’s Day 2013 from four gunshots through the bathroom door. There is no doubt about the authorship, but the athlete alleged that he mistook his partner for an intruder. The jury did not believe him, and convicted him of murder. Fourteen years old. He serves half of his sentence; The prisoner will probably be released on parole in January, after the relevant evaluations. The murderer is coming to dinner.

The uxoricide perpetrated by Pistorius became one of those crimes of the century that feed crowds eager for morbidity for a few weeks. If you want to know why He is aligned with OJ Simpson or Charles Manson, put the photos of Reeva Steenkamp, ​​Nicole Simpson Brown and Sharon Tate together, without having to reincarnate her as Margot Robbie. You can add Ana Mendieta, the wife who fell out of a window of the also acquitted artist Carl Andre, but let’s not stain this paragraph with culture.

In the South African version of the murder that marked a generation, Pistorius took off his prosthetics in court and walked legless onto the stand. It is an image that shakes the concept of a person, because the body of the shot victim was not exhibited at the trial. With this strategy, The athlete sacrificed the hero to save the man, the summary of the transfer of events to the criminal sphere. The radical claim of disability, of physical decline, did not win him innocence, but he was able to shave a few years off his sentence. On the track and in prison, he counts every second less.

When he was a myth, they called him Blade Runner. He cut the wind with the only invention more powerful than Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Anatomy. No one knows what Philip K. Dick intended with his sharp expression, but Pistorius didn’t just run on two ultra-flexible blades. He, too, seemed to be sliding on a razor’s edge. The boy born without fibulas flew like the winged messenger of the gods, before ending his legend with gunshots.

Their running machines, actually built with carbon fiber and with a design that Steve Jobs would have applauded, they forced him to litigate against the sports authority that accused him of advantageousness, and refused to approve him. He won the legal battle, before dying killing. Today we know that he did not go any further than today’s elaborate shoes, authentic prostheses that have devalued the marathon to two hours.

Released, Pistorius completed a lap around the stadium in 46 seconds, which would leave professionals in the field in the gutter. That mark would earn a place in the university and in the North American athletics championships; All the people who improve it have been identified. Through unappealable victory, Pistorius imposed positive disability, overcoming amputation, the ecstasy of the cyborg. We don’t want to be smarter, we want to be faster. The athletics track did not make him equal to his peers, it gave him an invaluable advantage over ordinary mortals. Call him Pistonius.

The murder of the century and the trial of the century eclipse any previous reality; OJ Simpson stops being a star of the galaxy ‘Land as you can’. Pistorius’s collapse is aggravated because he destroys his image as an example of improvement, forcing him to tear down the poster on the wall.

He is 37 years old, but has his entire sports career behind him. The happiness of the South African boyfriend is concentrated today in contemplating a fat black prison officer, who inserts his forgiveness into “the rehabilitation process.” The bloody bureaucracy enters.

Reeva Steenkamp’s mother assumes that Pistorius will be released from prison one day, but not yet. I don’t know of a single man more elegant than Fernando Schwartz. Years ago, Spain also entered the loop of a terrorist who returned to the neighborhood that he shared with his victims, once his sentence had been strictly fulfilled. The diplomat put down the newspaper, cast his appeasing smile and limited himself to four words:

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-Don’t greet him.

Peace. It is always consumed cold.

#Oscar #Pistorius #prince #turned #monster

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