Óscar Puente enters the hard core that will negotiate the investiture

by time news

2023-10-05 07:45:21

Pedro Sánchez does not usually stitch without a thread. When he proposed that Spain hold the 2030 World Cup, his opponents mocked him. Now the president is savoring the sweetness of victory and others have to swallow their sarcasm that has turned into ice after FIFA’s decision. When he stood up to the old guard of the party in 2016 he had to leave the General Secretariat. A few months later he defeated Susana Díaz, who had the support of Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra. It seems that now González and Guerra want to get rid of that thorn by sharing thesis with the PP.

For this reason, yesterday the candidate for the Presidency of the Government and general secretary of the PSOE surprised with the appointment of the PSOE Negotiating Commission. Pedro Sánchez will meet with all the groups except Vox and it will be this Commission that will take over to reach an agreement. However, the Negotiating Commission not only wants to reach an agreement, but also wants to go one step further by closing a legislative pact.

Its composition is not trivial considering that the president’s movements always go one step further than what is visible to the naked eye. The Negotiating Commission is the representation of President Sánchez’s new hard core. Seven people he completely trusts and a libero with whom he maintains an intense and bilateral relationship.

Santos Cerdán, organizational secretary of the PSOE and strong man in Ferraz. He is responsible for the success of the mobilization in the last elections because, despite the setbacks, he knew how to keep the party machinery oiled. Even yesterday, when he was identified as Puigdemont’s interlocutor “on a secret trip”, he limited himself to saying: “From a small truth, a big lie is created”, and he did not change in the slightest. Certainly, Cerdán traveled to Paris, but there is no evidence that he was in Strasbourg where Puigdemont attended the plenary session of the European Parliament and followed him from “the chicken coop”, which he left after listening to his colleague Toni Comín in a speech where he used the Italian .

Along with Cerdán, the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, and the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, who have become the executing arm of Pedro Sánchez and have taken the lead in different crises and negotiations.

Pilar Alegría, Minister of Education and spokesperson for the PSOE, who consolidates her position in the party and in the Government. Óscar Puente, the fashionable man in the PSOE after being Núñez Feijóo’s whip in his failed investiture, joins this nucleus tough, despite the fact that his relations with the president’s Chief of Staff, Óscar López, also from Castile-Leon, can be greatly improved.

The inclusion of Puente opens a big question in the socialist ranks and has triggered speculation. There is Pilar Alegría, spokesperson for the PSOE, and Patxi López, parliamentary spokesperson, is not there. It is the first time that in the Socialist Party, the parliamentary spokesperson does not participate in a negotiating commission for an investiture. For this reason, many in the PSOE point out that Patxi López could occupy a ministry in the future Government and point to Puente as parliamentary spokesperson.

José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, delegate of the Government in Galicia, also joins the Commission in a clear sign of reinforcement of his candidacy in the next Galician elections, together with Hana Halloul, international secretary of the PSOE in the Federal Executive, to whom It arrived by surprise at the Valencia Congress, leaving out José Manuel Albares, who had coordinated the presentation and had just been appointed Foreign Minister.

These are the seven of the hard core. The libero: Salvador Illa, first secretary of the Catalan socialists who has a direct, and intense, relationship with Pedro Sánchez. He will not be on the Commission, at least formally, but he will have a lot to say in the dialogue with Esquerra and Junts per Catalunya.

The Commission will take the baton after the president’s round of contacts. Its objective is to obtain the votes for the investiture, but also its stability. The issue is complex, because the possible partners are direct competitors in Euskadi and Catalonia. The Basques are going to the elections next year and the Catalans in 2025, which predicts complications for this year’s budgets because the fight between ERC and Junts will escalate and will make it very difficult for both to support the State’s numbers.

#Óscar #Puente #enters #hard #core #negotiate #investiture

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