OSIPTEL begins the selection process for the centralized database administrator for number portability in the mobile and fixed service

by time news

For the period between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2029.
The rules of the contest are published in https://www.gob.pe/institucion/osiptel/informes-publicaciones/4112231-proceso-de-seleccion-del-administrador-de-la-base-de-datos-centralizada-principal-del-peru

The Supervisory Body for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL) announced the start of the selection process to choose the entity that will be in charge of the Administration of the Main Centralized Database (ABDCP) for number portability in the mobile public service and of fixed telephony in Peru, for the period from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2029.

The selection process will be in charge of the Portability Committee, made up of a representative of OSIPTEL, a representative of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) and a representative for each group of fixed and mobile telephone service concessionaires who, together, have a share of more than 1% of the total market.

Also part of the committee are the representatives of fixed and mobile telephone service concessionaires with a market share of less than or equal to 1%, and of fixed and mobile telephone service concessionaires that, without having lines in service, have subscribed a contract with the ABDCP.

It should be noted that, to guarantee the neutrality of the process, it was established that the main centralized database be managed by an entity independent of the mobile and fixed public service operators, under the approval and supervision of OSIPTEL.

The contest rules are published on the OSIPTEL website (https://www.gob.pe/institucion/osiptel/informes-publicaciones/4112231-proceso-de-seleccion-del-administrador-de-la-base-de -datos-centralizada-principal-del-peru) and interested entities may register until May 31, 2023.

The winning entity of the process will be announced on June 21 of this year, the same entity that will be in charge of the administration of the main centralized database for number portability from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2029.

What is the centralized database?
The main centralized database concentrates the information of all ported telephone numbers and must be synchronized with the local databases of mobile dealers, fixed dealers and others, in order to ensure that calls are correctly routed after execution. of portability.

Among the main functions of the chosen entity is the generation of a daily information file of the numbers to be ported and making it available to all operators of public telecommunications services, so that all communications destined for subscribers are directed correctly.

The data:
Currently, the administration of the main centralized database of number portability is in charge of Inetum España SA – branch in Peru, a company that, in accordance with the current contracts entered into with concessionaires of the public mobile service and fixed telephony service , will provide the administration service of the aforementioned database until March 31, 2024.

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