Oskar Westerlin reveals: – Now I’m single

by time news

Ever since last summer, there have been rumors that tiktoker and former “Traitor” participant Oskar Westerlin (25) has found the tone with the billionaire heiress Sophie Stray Spetalen (20).

That after she often appeared in Westerlin’s social channels, and the duo has repeatedly been seen together on red carpets.

They have also never confirmed that they are in a relationship.

However, Westerlin has responded cryptically about his marital status.

– Depends a bit on who you… ehhh… neee, eehh. Yes, I’m single, but my love life is going well, he said to Good Evening Norway in October last year.

Now Westerlin says he is single.

– We were together

It is in his own stream on Twitch, a live video streaming platform, that he reveals that he has been in a relationship.

Towards the end of the stream, the 25-year-old has a small round of questions with everyone who follows, where he is asked the following questions:

– Are you with Sophie?

– It’s a recurring question, I can take it, he replies and reveals:

– We were together, but now we are no longer. So now I’m single.

Good evening Norway has been in contact with Oskar Westerlin, who does not wish to comment further on the matter. Good evening Norway has also tried to get in touch with Sophie Stray Spetalen, so far without success.

APPEARED: Oskar Westerlin and Sophie Stray Spetalen appeared together, when Alexandra Joner invited to a Halloween party last October. Photo: Kristin Grønning / TV 2

Broke up after seven years

Westerlin became single in January last year, after being with Victoria Røed Weinberger Torjussen for seven years.

In an episode of the podcast “The Office”, which he had with his friend Snorre Klanderud (28), he opened up about his single life and the breakup.

– I have never been through a breakup. It’s a big transition when you’ve been together for seven years, and then you’re suddenly alone, he said at the time.

Torjussen stated to TV 2 that it was a “natural” break.

– And not something violent that had happened, but rather that we had grown apart, she explained.

Shortly after the breakup, romance rumors also appeared around Westerlin and influencer Sophie Elise Isachsen (28). The reason behind it was after a video of the duo kissing was shared on social media.

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