Osteoarthritis and aging

by time news

2023-07-07 11:00:16

Abandoning the passive role of patients, creating new public health programs or guaranteeing a comprehensive State policy are some of the measures that the OAFI (International Osteoarthritis Foundation) proposes in its White Paper on Aging and Osteoarthritis to improve health of the elderly

Aging is the main cause of osteoarthritis. EFE/Kai Forsterling

The OAFI (Osteoarthritis Foundation International) ha publicado el White Paper on Aging and Osteoarthritis: problems, challenges and solutionswith the purpose of sizing aging in Spain y propose measures and solutions to deal with the diseases that it entails.

The presentation was recently made at the Royal National Academy of Medicine (RANM). The event was also a tribute to the Dr. Julio Sanchez Fierroco-author of the work, this being one of the last projects he worked on.

population aging

According to data from the report published by OAFISpain will be at the head of longevity in the year 2050. This assumes that the dependency ratios of current seniors look duplicate.

Current data shows that 9 million people have over 65 yearsof which 3 million over 80. This supposes a aging rate of 133.5% compared to previous figures.

However, the numbers really worrying are the ones that show that More than a third of those over 65 have some type of disabilityas well as a 20% of them suffer from limited abilities.

In this way, the diseases most linked to aging will also be the most prevalent in the future. Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and sarcopenia will increasingly affect the quality of life of the elderly, especially women.

Aging is the main cause of osteoarthritis. EFE/Jorge Luis Plata

Main measures of the report

Throughout the white paper, different measures and solutions are exposed to try to improve the situation of older people who suffer from osteoarthritis:

Among them we find:

Abandon the passive role of the patient

It is of great importance that the patient becomes, to the extent that the disease allows, a person with capacity for self-care and self-management in your process.

The OAFI indicates the relevance of the patient associationssince they are representation of them and give them Motivation and dialogue with public institutions.

Public health programs

According to the OAFI, health programs specifically aimed at the elderly are required. The idea is to give them information about healthy habits, accompany them and follow up.

In order for all of this to be possible, they expose the need to provide the National system of health of a greater number of professionals who are specifically in charge of the elderly: primary care, geriatrics, nursing…

In the same way, it is intended to eliminate the barriers economic-bureaucratic of the Autonomous Communities to make it easier for seniors to access their prescribed medications.

Comprehensive State Policy

Another of the measures proposed by the white paper is to create a joint policy that addresses the main problems faced by the elderly.

To address this, it is intended to promote the participation of the elderly in socioeconomic and health issues, development of awareness campaigns on ageism, facilitate their access to housing and eliminate the barriers that hinder access to prescription drugs (thus improving the control of polypharmacy).

Presentation of the White Paper on Aging and Osteoarthritis. Image courtesy of the OAFI

General recommendations

In addition to the more specific measures, the professionals have set out in the white paper the latest recommendations both for people who suffer from this disease, as well as for the Government, health centers and people who accompany patients.

Some of the most relevant are:

Assess in depth the phenomenon of unwanted loneliness, especially in people whose mobility is affected by osteoarthritis. The health administrations they must carry out in-depth data analysis to design personalized strategies and thus gain effectiveness in the treatment of diseases prevalent among the elderly, such as osteoarthritis. Enhance the role of nurses: whose importance in caring for the elderly is fundamental and undeniable. The network of Pharmacy Offices it can also, given its relationship with patients, promote therapeutic compliance. Knee osteoarthritis is one of the most frequent. EFE/Fernando Bizerra Jr.

#Osteoarthritis #aging

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