Osteopathy becomes a degree course, but it is controversial

by time news

2023-12-07 16:03:22

Osteopathy becomes a degree course. In fact, the decree (number 1563 of December 1, 2023) of the Minister of University and Research, in agreement with the Minister of Health, has been published, which updates the qualifying training objectives of the class of degrees in preventive health professions. The path that leads to this goal begins in 2018 when osteopathy in Italy is recognized as an autonomous healthcare profession, the process will be completed at the end of 2021. For the Register of Osteopaths of Italy (Roi), the association representing the professionals in the sector, “it is a historic day, this news appears as the culmination of a commitment that has involved everyone, osteopaths and patients and which today projects us forcefully towards the future for which we have fought”, so the association commented on your site. But not everyone rejoiced. On social media, many doctors and science communicators have raised the issue of “osteopathy is a pseudoscience”. In Italy there are around 12 thousand osteopaths. Now the process required by law lacks the establishment of the Register and the definition of equivalences.

“From now on in Italy, osteopathy, a pseudoscience without scientific basis or effectiveness, will be a degree and a scientific subject. We remember the authors of this debacle: the former Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin, Minister Bernini, Minister Orazio Schillaci In perpetual memory”, writes on ‘X’ Salvo Di Grazia, a doctor and scientific communicator who has always been on the front line with the Medbunker.it website against hoaxes and fake news. His post had over 76 thousand views. “Osteopathy is a pseudomedicine – he writes in the presentation of a video dedicated to osteopathy – A practice based on far-fetched theories, without any proven effectiveness and even with some risks. This happened before the Coronavirus emergency and therefore it has passed a while but it’s interesting to talk about it, even now.”

“In the end, osteopaths are not (necessarily) doctors. Indeed, given how the path to becoming an osteopath is today, there are many osteopaths who have nothing to do with medicine, health and the scientific mentality: my former mechanic today he is an osteopath – remarks Di Grazia – So if the homeopath (he must be a doctor) perhaps has his medical bases, the acupuncturist (he must be a doctor) also, the anti-vaccinationist is sometimes a a biologist or a physicist, in short, have at least a smattering of science, the osteopath does not, almost always he does not. Being a ‘doctor’ when you are not one is dangerous. You have no idea of ​​what you are doing. As long as you do it in private, within four walls, with those who trust you, everything can be done, there will be no one to control you or listen to you but when you look out into the world or compare yourself, everything can collapse”. Di Grazia also published the negative comments on the video and the protest emails from the osteopaths.

The new regulation specifies that “in the context of the health profession of the osteopath, the graduate is that health professional who carries out interventions for the prevention and maintenance of health through the osteopathic treatment of somatic dysfunctions not attributable to pathologies in the musculoskeletal system “. In detail, those who obtain the academic qualification in osteopathy will be able to plan “the treatment by selecting exclusively manual, non-invasive and external approaches and techniques, suitable for the patient”, carrying them out “safely and respecting the dignity and sensitivity of the patient”, evaluating then “the outcomes”.

There are several innovations in the training activities of the graduating class. The basic ones have been integrated with History of Medicine, Bioengineering, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Among the characterizing ones: medical and applied technical sciences, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nursing sciences and neuro-psychiatric and rehabilitation techniques.

#Osteopathy #degree #controversial

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