Osteoporosis, a serious threat to people of all ages Recommends taking calcium with vitamin D ‘old age’ beware of problems after collapse

by time news

Osteoporosis, a serious threat to people of all ages Recommends taking calcium with vitamin D ‘old age’ beware of problems after collapse Advise to observe 4 cm shorter. Immediately see a doctor to find a solution.

At 11:00 a.m. on July 2, at Samyan Mitrtown Hall, 5th floor, Samyan Mitrtown Shopping Center, Matichon Public Company Limited or the Matichon Group. Joining forces with leading partners including 14 public and private hospitals, agencies under the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), as well as the private sector Organized the Health Care 2022 Health Expo under the theme ‘Healthcare 2022 The Universe for the Elderly’, reinforcing the strength of the leader of the No. 1 health fair in Thailand for the 14th consecutive year, from 30 June to 3 July.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchaya Thanin Tharathan Physician specializing in orthopedic Specialized in bone and soft tissue cancer Head of Orthopedic Surgery, Chulabhorn Hospital, speaking on a forum titled “Osteoporosis, the Silent Danger” said that osteoporosis can happen to anyone, regardless of age. any but is more common in females Because it is associated with decreased hormones, especially during the menopause, in the first 5 years after menopause, bone mass decreases very quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to take calcium along with vitamin D supplementation to prevent and screen for osteoporosis with a bone mass test, which is the standard diagnosis. focus on hip bone examination and spine

In this regard, bone mass conditions are divided into 3 groups: the normal group, the green criteria. Bone mass is still not very low. But middle-aged to elderly people come to see a doctor. when in the yellow criteria is thin bone mass We would recommend taking 800-1,000 mg of calcium daily with a vitamin D supplement. or multivitamin to a medical examination with a doctor who will check the calcium level vitamin D levels Kidney value of the body to see if it really So how much or how little are we missing? In order to choose the right vitamin D intake The red group is true osteoporosis. There is a need for additional treatment, such as medication to reduce bone resorption.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchaya said For the elderly, not everyone will experience osteoporosis. but if found a relationship of a family history of osteoporosis Family members may also have the right to have osteoporosis. Osteoporosis does not have any obvious symptoms. But the most obvious is found in women who are in menopause. By the golden age, there will be symptoms of restlessness. Changes in mood, sweating, which can consult a menopause clinic that has an obstetrician-gynecologist to consult. Therefore, the symptoms of osteoporosis may also occur with the symptoms of menopause. We will turn to check osteoporosis. However, most patients will come with a history of decreased height. or an accident, a fall, a broken bone

“We should prevent these conditions. It wasn’t to the doctor when the bone was broken. So we have to focus on how to prevent osteoporosis. which has recommendations for checking up bone mass Especially the golden age women aged 65 years and over and men aged 70 years or more, or other indications are premature menopause. Has a history of ovarian and uterine surgery. The goal of osteoporosis treatment is to prevent fractures,” said Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchaya.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchaya said For taking calcium to strengthen bones. can eat continuously in people of all ages You must also look at the problem of constipation. Because calcium can cause constipation easily. We therefore recommend that you drink more water. Alternatively, using calcium effervescent tablets or eating plain skimmed milk, or plant-based milk, is a calcium substitute. Or eat tofu, small fish, and exercise in the morning to get vitamin D. It helps the skin to synthesize vitamin D as well. Vitamin D will stimulate the intestines to absorb more calcium into the body. The walk must be at the speed at which sweat begins. Continue for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour at a time, 3-4 times a week.

However, Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchaya said that What we fear in the elderly is 1. lumbar collapse which the patient is hunchbacked front protrusion One cause is the condition of osteoporosis. reduce the height Notice is that it will drop about 4 cm. need to see a doctor. Because such conditions will result in a hunchback. chronic back pain Treatment may be surgical. Or inject cement to sew the collapsed part. or put a brace to fix the hunchback 2. hip fracture problem which will make the patient unable to walk Some people must be bedridden. We will have to have metal implant surgery or hip replacement surgery.

“The importance of treatment lumbar joint collapse is to prevent the next joint from collapsing. and without osteoporosis and fractures,” said Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchaya.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchaya continued that People still misunderstand. therefore have to learn that Joint pain, osteoarthritis, back pain, and osteoporosis are different things, so taking calcium in hopes of treating osteoarthritis pain This cannot be helped. However, we have to look at how osteoarthritis affects the body, such as back pain, knee pain, or vertebral displacement. That’s outside help. But it’s a temporary help. but if it is in a very deteriorating point It might not help.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Pitchaya said Exercise recommendations for people with hunchback Stretching of the muscle structure can be used because people with hunchbacks tend to suffer from back pain. which is recommended to exercise If there is no problem with the shoulder muscles It can be used to pull the knuckle bar. or practice lying on the stomach Practicing the arch bridge And what must be very careful is to fall, which will cause the bones of the elderly that are already thin, to break, so you have to choose shoes with a lot of rubber treads. and be careful of slippery walking

In addition, Matichon Publishing has set up a Healthy Book Fair booth at the entrance hall. Samyan Mitr Town Hall Selling books in the Matichon group and friends of publishers at a special price, with best-selling books and books in the health category, up to 20 percent off and the entire booth up to 25 percent off.

Let’s build an aging society to be strong and happy together in ‘Healthcare 2022 The Universe for the Elderly’ by Matichon Group. Until tomorrow (July 3), you can enter the event from 10.30-20.00 at Samyan Mitrtown Hall, 5th floor, Samyan Mitrtown Shopping Center.

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