Otegui, like a beach bar, announces changes with the arrival of spring, after the elections

by time news

Arnaldo Otegui, leader of Eh Bildu, announces on his twitter account, with a photograph in the summer beach bar plan, with 90 days to go, The remaining until municipal and regional elections, pafor a change to occur. “There are 90 days left until some things start to change and this is also in our hands. You want spring! ”, She says in Spanish and Basque.

The formation of the abertzale left, thanks to its pacts with the Government of Pedro Sánchez, can claim different achievements during the next electoral campaign, both in the Basque Country and in Navarra and, surely, the presence of all the ETA prisoners andn prisons in both communities. At present there are only seven inmates left to benefit from these transfers and, of them, two, those who are in Daroca, have not made the return journey because it has not been convenient for them for academic reasons. Actually, there are only five of them and their trip will be announced soon.

The central government has opted, within its policy of pacts, to grant those who in parliamentary spheres are described as “filoetarras”, successes to the detriment of the PNV and those of Otegui have known how to make these achievements profitable before the public opinion that votes the options separatists. For example, that the regional estates are the ones that collect the taxes from the band and the electric companies, which caused an indimock disgust of nationalists. In fact, Moncloa allowed Bildu to capitalize on the announcement of the transfer of the traffic powers of Navarra, to the detriment of the Civil Guard, with date: before March 31, 2023.

And nine more agreements with Bildu on different matters, ranging from issues of political significance (Memory) to social (housing, pensions and health).

In short, those of Otegui have become Sánchez’s preferred partners to the detriment of those of the PNV. Perhaps that is why it announces the arrival of springra and does it from the beach bar.

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