Other Lucio cases: 5 children murdered by their parents

by time news

Magdalena Esposito Valenti and your partner,Abigail Peace They were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Lucio Dupuy, the five-year-old son of the first. And the Lucio Case puts on the table the defenselessness that minors often suffer at the hands of their families.

In December of last year, in Quilmes, Renzo Gabriel Godoy. a boy who was a year younger than Lucio Dupuy, entered the medical room of El Pato, in Berazategui, without vital signs. Although his mother Victoria Belen Godoy (30) he told the doctors that he had drowned and hurt himself in the bathtub, the results of the autopsy determined that death was the result of severe blows to the head and face.

The father’s family and staff at the school the boy attended had already filed complaints against the mother and against Luis Alberto Gallo (40), Renzo’s stepfather, for physical violence, complaints that judging by the outcome do not seem to have been of much use. The Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) number 3 of Quilmes ordered the immediate arrest of Renzo’s mother and stepfather, and after learning of the fact, Quilmeños neighbors burned and looted the house of the accused. Firefighters rushed to the scene, but were stoned by the people inside. The provincial police had to intervene.

In October of last year, the case of Gaston Farias (35) years old, who one night entered the house of her ex-partner, Florencia, who had already managed to put a perimeter fence on her that obviously did not work: Farías not only hit and strangled the woman until she fainted, but then went to the living room from the house and choked her 3-year-old son to death. Later, he went up to the attic of the house, and committed suicide by hanging himself from a beam from the ceiling.

Cases follow one another with similarities. Last May, Ayelen Macarena Ortiz and your partner, Alfredo Ferreyrawere arrested in Gualeguaychú, Between Rivers, after Tahiel, her biological son – only two years old – was transferred with serious injuries to the Centennial Hospital from the city, where he died shortly after. The boy’s body did not show bumps and bruises all over his body, including his face. When the mother was asked why the baby was beaten, Ortíz was unable to explain why. As for Ferreyra, he did not testify: he hanged himself in her cell, hanging from the window bars. Tahiel’s aunt, the mother’s sister, was the one who recognized the existence of physical abuse by her sister and her brother-in-law towards her nephew, and although she had not filed a police complaint, she had presented the case before the Provincial Council of the Child, Adolescent and Family of the province.

For his part, Tahiel’s biological father stated in the case: He acknowledged having been the victim of both he and his children of physical violence and verbal by your ex-partner. As in the case of Lucio, the doctors at the Centennial Hospital had already put out the alert for Tahiel’s previous injuries, and according to local media, there had been previous hospitalizations for burns and problems arising from poor hygiene of the minor.

Tahiel, another young man murdered at the hands of his tutors.

there is also the case solomonin Neuquen. On Monday, December 6, 2021 Laurentino Amado Andres (27) She took two of her partner’s children to kindergarten, and returned to the home she shared with her, where the only child they had in common and 2-year-old Solomon had stayed. Salomón’s mother had gone by taxi to carry out some paperwork, so no one could stop Andrés from abusing Salomón and beating him to death. She then took him to the Horace Heller Hospital, where the doctors verified the injuries that the child had and notified the police. The stepfather was arrested and the next day he was placed in pretrial detention. A year later, Andrés was tried for felony aggravated homicide and doubly aggravated sexual abuse.

Another significant case of violence against minors was that of Abigail Tortelli in Santa Cruz, in 2014. Abigail was even younger than the children in the previous cases: only 7 months. According to her father, Carlos Tortello, who admitted her to the Rio Gallegos Hospital, Abigail had suffered a fall from an allowance while she was giving her a bath. At that very moment, Karen Orellano, Abigail’s mother and Tortello’s partner, was reporting him for domestic violence. However, despite Orellano’s complaint against Tortello, the investigation determined that Abigail had been beaten to death by her parents, and both were sentenced to life imprisonment in November 2015.

The risk of children being left defenseless in the face of this type of violence was what motivated the deputy for the PRO of La Pampa, Martin Maquieyra to promote a bill, which is already known as the “Lucio Law”; to promote the prevention and early detection of violence against children and adolescents. The project already has half approval in Deputies and now it must be discussed in the Senate. The law promotes three tools to protect children from possible abuse and possible acts of violence against children: the confidentiality of identity and protection for teachers, doctors and agents who are obliged to report such acts of violence; national communication campaigns to raise awareness about early warnings that detect situations of abuse or violence; and training of state agents for the prevention of violence against children.

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