Otto Vilas Boas: A legacy left for coffee growing, but one that was very…

by time news

2023-06-25 15:16:36

He dedicated his life to coffees in Brazil and to cooperativism, marking the trajectory of everyone who was willing to participate in good prose

With the harvest in progress and the market under pressure, in the last week the coffee sector in Brazil also said goodbye to Otto Vilas Boas. The “Man of faith; lord of coffee”, who dedicated his life to Brazilian coffee growing, died at the age of 89 on June 22, leaving a legacy for all those who are involved in some way with the coffee agribusiness.

For 60 years, Seu Otto worked at the largest coffee cooperative in the world, Cooxupé. He saw the evolution of the market in recent years and also in this trajectory, in the 26 years of Notícias Agrícolas, he was an important name to help the coffee grower in the decision-making process.

Otto Vilas Boas was born on February 4, 1934, in Guaranésia (MG). Son of Paulo Vilas Boas and Ana Oliveira Vilas Boas, in a family of seven siblings.

Seu Otto, as he was affectionately known, went to Guaxupé to work at Bar Cinelândia, which had been acquired by his father. Some time later, he found his true professional vocation: he started working at the Coffee Cooperative, Cooxupé.

According to information from Cooxupé itself, as well as Brazilian coffee growing, its trajectory was marked by constant evolution. His first assignment was as consumer goods manager in 1962. He became general manager in 1967; commercial director in 1987; took over the Internal Market Superintendence in 1991 and, in 2003, became a business advisor. “He was a cooperative member and a great enthusiast of cooperativism”, commented the cooperative in a note.

“I made Cooxupé my greatest ideal from a professional point of view. Today I feel fulfilled and happy seeing that it has become the largest coffee cooperative in the world, whether in number of members or in coffee production”, declared Seu Otto to Revista Mídia Brasil, in a report published in August 2022.

Despite having been officially “off the market” for some years, Otto continued to follow the main news and challenges faced by the producer in the last harvests. The legacy he built has been widely recognized by the industry in recent days.

““My work had to generate good results”. This speech by Seu Otto, as we affectionately called him, certainly brought many contributions to the development of Cooxupé and Brazilian coffee growing. When we look at the history of the cooperative, we clearly see these good results generated during its more than 60 years of activities in the coffee sector. He was a cooperative enthusiast.

A man of unshakable faith, he always recognized the importance of God in his life, inspiring everyone around him. Seu Otto leaves an invaluable legacy for Cooxupé and for Brazilian coffee growing. His loss is very painful, but we are eternally grateful for having the opportunity to learn from him everything he taught, always with lots of love, altruism and hope. To him and all his family and friends, our deep gratitude and solidarity”, Carlos Augusto Rodrigues de Melo – President Cooxupé.

For Notícias Agrícolas, Seu Otto was also important and made a difference not only in the rise of the site, but also in a very particular way in the life of each member of the team that had, at some point, the mission of communicating the coffee sector , but also the opportunity to learn from one of the most emblematic names in coffee in Brazil.

“Today we lost Seu Otto, he said: João Batista I’ve been in coffee for years. He said that nobody can understand the coffee market. It’s a valuable commodity, nobody can understand it”, recalled João Batista Olivi last week.

“Congratulations on your life, Seu Otto… thank you very much for your existence”, he also said when he interviewed Seu Otto for the last time in December 2020.

Aleksander Horta, editor-in-chief of Notícias Agrícolas, who saw his professional career being shaped alongside that of the site, recalls the visits of Seu Otto during the team’s visits to Guaxupé.

“Seu Otto is one of those unique, captivating people with a lot of light. With that mineiro way, always with a good story to tell, he arrived every year at the Agricultural News stand during Femagri editions (Business Fair promoted by Cooxupé) with a sweet jar, made by his wife or bought from a friend of the family. And there he spent the day with us, interacting with the interviewees, sharing his personal impressions on the most diverse topics. But what he really liked was talking about coffee , from the coffee market… An unconditional passion… Oh Seu Otto, he will be missed!!! Rest in peace”, he said.

As I have already mentioned, Seu Otto marked the lives of many journalists. Carla Mendes, editor in chief of Notícias Agrícolas, recognizes him as “one of the sweetest and kindest people I’ve ever had the chance to meet in my life. Thanks to agro. Thanks to a Brazil that not everyone knows, but which is what men like this.”

In four years talking daily about the coffee market, I, Virgínia Alves, can say that Seu Otto has always been a great supporter of my work. At the beginning, still insecure, he was one of those responsible for showing me that the path being followed was a positive one.

In the “on and off”, as we usually say, he was present between one call and another, to say that communication was being effective and important in such a challenging moment for production in Brazil. There’s not much to say, other than thank you for your wisdom, simplicity, care and most of all, for your kindness in being so kind.


Otto Vilas Boas liked to tell that he inherited religious, moral and ethical principles from his mother. He had an unshakable faith in God and was keen to work for the Catholic Church.
“In these 50 years I have contributed a lot together with the bishops and priests for the introduction of their movements and in the openings to the laity in the Diocese of Guaxupé. I participated in the MCC Brazil Christianity Cursillo Movement, Couples Encounters with Christ, Christian Youth Training, Charismatic Renewal and, in the last 40 years, as Minister of the Eucharist. My greatest legacy is, without a doubt, my life literally dedicated to the family, the church and Cooxupé”, he told Revista Mídia Brasil, in December 2022.

#Otto #Vilas #Boas #legacy #left #coffee #growing #very..

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