Ötzi the Iceman: New Study Reveals Surprising Details about the 5,300-Year-Old Mummy | CNN

by time news

Ötzi the Iceman, the 5,300-year-old mummy found in the Tyrolean Alps in 1991, continues to reveal secrets about his life through a groundbreaking new study. Ancient DNA extracted from Ötzi’s pelvis suggests that he had dark skin, dark eyes, and was likely bald. This discovery challenges the previous depiction of Ötzi as a pale-skinned man with a full head of hair and a beard.

The DNA analysis was carried out by researchers from the Institute for Mummy Studies at Eurac Research in Bolzano, Italy, and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. It revealed that Ötzi’s skin color during his lifetime was similar to the dark skin color displayed by his mummified body. The researchers speculate that many early European farmers had darker skin pigmentation compared to present-day Europeans.

The study also shed light on Ötzi’s diet, showing that he consumed a significant amount of meat, particularly ibex and deer. This finding aligns with previous analyses of Ötzi’s stomach contents, which provided insights into his last meal and his origins. The researchers believe that further details about Ötzi’s microbiome and other aspects of his life could be uncovered in future studies.

The new study also debunked a previously proposed genetic affinity between Ötzi and present-day Sardinians. Instead, the researchers found that Ötzi had more genetic similarities with early Anatolian farmers from what is now Turkey. This suggests that Ötzi lived in a relatively isolated area with limited contact with other populations.

Ötzi’s story is filled with remarkable twists and turns. Originally, it was believed that he froze to death, but an X-ray in 2001 revealed an arrowhead in his shoulder, indicating a fatal injury. He also had a head injury and a defense wound on his right hand. The question of why he was in the high mountains when he met his demise continues to intrigue researchers.

The study of Ötzi’s genetic makeup is a testament to the advancements in ancient DNA analysis. The researchers used new sequencing technologies to generate a more accurate and comprehensive genome compared to a previous study conducted in 2012. This enhanced genome helped clarify Ötzi’s ancestry and provided valuable insights into his life.

The South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, Italy, where Ötzi’s mummy is displayed, attracts thousands of visitors each year. People from all over the world are fascinated by the mysterious tale of the Iceman and the wealth of knowledge he continues to reveal about our ancient past.

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