“Our daily performance”, the tutorial head – Liberation

by time news

At the “off”, Giuseppe Chico and Barbara Matijevic imagine a funny performance from YouTube videos.

When you have no problems with money, drugs, family, your life is boring, so you don’t know what to tell the world and you still want to rap, it’s probably better to assume until the end the blatant vanity of your existence and draw material from where it reaches its climax: Twitter. After this recommendation, here we are now embarked on a rap of the heartbreaking little daily newspaper, written from the posts of anonymous people publicly confident that they really want to have a snack. The tutorial is called “How to write your first rap verses in less than an hour” and operates on a small scale what the whole piece attempts on a larger scale: transform banality into a work of art. And it’s a very clever, farcical, crunchy pop but with insidiously black humor, which is currently triumphing at the Train Bleu theater in Avignon under the hands – or rather scissors – of Giuseppe Chico and Barbara Matijevic. In Our daily performancefive performers of different nationalities are inspired by the unsurpassable incongruity of thousands of YouTube tutorials to provide viewers with lively and original instructions for (sur)living in contemporary society.

In the collection, several nuggets including “Martial Arts for Christians” in which the expert invites the Internet user to properly engage the pelvic floor to let the people of Israel pass. But also “Special Valentine’s Day couple fitness” in which lovers are invited to use the body of the other as abdominal apparatus. A very special affection also goes to the tutorial “Falls at home” or how to fall well at home when you are over 65 years old, by mastering among other things the movement in the bathroom in the event of a fracture of the neck of the femur. to avoid dying alone. The comic virtuosity – which often stems from the contrast between the absurdity of the teachings and the placidity of the acting –, just as much as the nobility given to these anonymous experts and their virtual communities, would almost make us forget that there is no question, in this sampling burlesque, what a fall, old age, resistance and death. And the way of playing these low notes with the mood of personal development kits allows the piece to go beyond its mere status of “con concept UFO” to weave a text more powerful than it seems.

Our Daily Performance by Giuseppe Chico and Barbara Matijevic. Until July 26, on even days, at the Théâtre du Train Bleu in Avignon. Festival “off”.

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