by time news

2024-01-19 13:00:17

Pr. Miriam Florence/Guayaquil

Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and he keeps his clothes, so that he does not go naked, and they see his shame. Revelation 16:15

Blessed is the person who, when the Lord Jesus comes for the second time to Earth, finds him using all the spiritual weapons that have been given to him to fight the battle against the enemy that is Satan and his demons. If a soldier is careless he will be attacked and knocked down, everything will be taken from him and he will be naked, stripped of his armor, and his shame will be very great because his nakedness will be exhibited. That is what this biblical portion expresses, every born again believer must remain alert, waiting for the coming of the Savior, of the Lord Jesus, expectant for the signs that indicate that his coming is near, because only then will he be able to enjoy the presence of the Lord. Lord in eternity and will be called blessed, or doubly blessed. That glorious day no one knows when he will be, but it will be suddenly, in the blink of an eye. The thieves do not announce their arrival, they only enter the place they plan to attack, in the same way, the Lord will not announce the day and hour in which this event will happen, but the signs are given, you just need to pay attention to them and wait. as a worthy child of God, preaching the Word, staying in constant prayer and feeding on the Word of God daily.


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