Our favorite articles to read for free to discover “International mail”

by time news

Whether you’re new here or a regular visitor, here are some suggestions for navigating as best you can among the vast amount of content available for free this Sunday, September 4.

Courrier international

Courrier international, it is first and foremost a news journal: you will find analyzes from all over the planet, comments, insights, and this, every day from dawn – 6 am! – thanks to the earliest of us, the Réveil Courrier.

If you’ve been running out of time lately, this open house can be an opportunity to catch up. Take a look at our enlightening decryptions to better understand the origins of monkeypox, or recent heat waves. Measure the stakes of the war in Ukraine by comparing the analyzes of the international media: go over the thread of events, or stop at the Swiss pavilion of the arms fair, where one perceives, far from the field but at most close to the equipment manufacturers, the wind of rearmament which blows almost everywhere – an article extracted from our file currently on newsstands, “Armament: the mad race”. the Sunday Telegraph also sought to know how the investigation site Bellingcat works, which works to disentangle the true from the false in the information which fuses from all sides about this war, while the Italian weekly L’Espresso went to meet the last inhabitants of Donbass, those who, in the immediate vicinity of the front line, nevertheless refuse to evacuate.

Our particularity is of course the foreign press, which we scour, peel, select, then methodically translate every day. Among our nuggets and long formats, this Cuban report on the discovery of the deserted paradise of Varadero, this dive into the bubble of the strange futuristic city of Neom, which must rise from the ground in the middle of the Saudi desert. Or this immersion in the Peruvian jungle, where the narcos set themselves up as benefactors. more peaceful, The time invites us to consider gardens as the new places of political utopias.

If you have some time on your hands, immerse yourself in The exile chronicles of Afghan journalist Mursal Sayas, a refugee in France. Or take the opportunity to learn a little more about Elon Musk’s journey, thanks to this portrait of the New York Times. Perhaps you, like us, will be surprised by the thoughts that a simple tube of toothpaste can inspire, a product emblematic of our consumption habits but also of the great complexity of recycling. Or will you share the impressions of this sixty-year-old American who, retracing the course of his life, observes the slippage between a period of certainty, of faith in the future and in science, and the climate of political, social , today’s climate. In a post for The Guardian, he wonders about the responsibility of his generation – while sending a message of hope.

Carole Lyon/International Mail

And if you’re intrigued by how our atypical diary works, take a look at the comic strip in which we explain it. It comes from one of the numbers of Teen mail.

“Less polluted air: The global battle is on”, headlined “Courrier international” in October 1997
“Less polluted air: The global battle is on”, headlined “Courrier international” in October 1997 Courrier international

Open day, and even wide open: fans of archaeological excavations will see the opportunity to take a detour through our archives. By chance, in this dossier from 1995, as the Kyoto conference approaches, a conference on the climate which promised to be “sabotaged” in advance. Or in this one from 2007 that we devoted to the Gazprom empire, the Russian giant which was already demonstrating “its capacity for nuisance”.

Courrier international

Because there’s more to life than geopolitics – and it’s Sunday after all – you might be tempted by one of our weekly meetings. The Philosophical Pill invites you every Saturday to a little reflection, on our relationship to work or the delicate and essential art of doing nothing, for example.

With the Mail of recipes, discover a dish and its history – this weekend, the Corriere della Sera describes the astonishing fate of a pasta dish born in Rome, but largely – largely! – more appreciated on the other side of the Atlantic.

Sunday reading is of course Modern Love, the Time.news that the New York Times dedicated to the story of our contemporary loves, feelings and relationships. The Web is vast and we often only browse a small piece of it. Would you have suspected the success of this Japanese Buddhist monk on YouTube or this young Greek beekeeper on TikTok? The Monday morning column gives you a weekly portrait of one of these influencers.

Finally, if you were about to go for a walk or start making a mirabelle plum pie, you can also do it to the sound of one of our podcasts. To talk about sustainable development, six feet on the ground will notably take you to Isfahan alongside the Iranian artist Azadeh Nilchiani and to the banks of the Nile with the writer Alaa El-Aswany. Take a more linguistic journey with Other people’s words, a podcast that will enlighten you on the way we talk about climate, gender, skin color, video games or even political censorship in languages ​​other than our own – since, it is known, the words that we use says a lot about how we see things. We could make a whole newspaper out of it.

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