Our live update on console stocks

by time news

PLAYSTATION 5. The month of April is launched and does not dampen the ardor of PS5 researchers. The console remains an extremely popular and rare product, which is why we keep you informed of any restocking today.

[Mis à jour le 5 avril 2022 à 14h18] In exceptional circumstances, exceptional measures. The Playstation 5 is probably one of the most sought-after products of the moment, the fault of exceptional technical performance and a rarity to make caviar blush. Indeed, Sony’s latest console often remains absent from retailers’ shelves, due to an international shortage of semiconductors. The console has therefore been permanently out of stock since its release at the end of 2020, and potential buyers should keep themselves informed of possible restockings in order to be able to seize the rare copies available. To help you on your quest for the PS5, here’s live stock tracking and all the essential information you need to find.

Our update on PS5 stocks from Tuesday March 5:

  • 16h47 : No restocking for now this Tuesday. It is likely that the console will not make an appearance today.
  • 14h11 : Still no movement on the side of CDiscount and E.Leclerc.
  • 12h42 : Rumors speak of possible restocking at CDiscount and E.Leclerc this Tuesday. To be checked.
  • 10h12 : The PS5 is long overdue today. However, it can be found used and at a high price on the Rakuten site.

For those who do not wish to enter the infernal ballet of restocking or “drops” of all kinds, and who have chosen to avoid queues on the sites, basket validation bugs and all that accompanies the hunting for the new model of PS5. There is another way to get your hands on the console. Collect the new or used console for resale. Please note that this method involves having to comply with the market price of the console, that is to say at prices that can sometimes exceed more than 150% of the base price of the new console. However, some offers sometimes come close to the base price of the console (399 € Digital, and 499 € Standard) hence the interest of monitoring the products below:

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