‘Our way of fighting’ presents a national indigenous mobilization through the eyes of indigenous women filmmakers

by time news

Indigenous Voices Rise: New ⁢Documentary Celebrates Brazilian Indigenous‍ Mobilization

Date: August 9, 2024

A new documentary, “Our Way ⁣of Fighting,” sheds light ⁤on ⁣the vibrant spirit and diverse practices of​ indigenous‍ mobilization‌ in Brazil. Produced by the⁤ Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) in partnership with Rede Katahirine, the film offers ⁢a ​unique perspective through the eyes of three indigenous women filmmakers.

Diverse Voices, Shared Experiences

The documentary features⁤ the stories of Vanuzia Pataxó, Francy Baniwa, and ⁣Kerexu⁣ Martim, who capture the essence ‍of the 20th Acampamento⁤ Terra Livre (ATL) through‌ their cameras.⁤ The film explores the daily lives of ATL participants, highlighting their diverse knowledge and practices.

More Than Just a Movement

“Our Way of Fighting” emphasizes that indigenous movements are more than just demonstrations and speeches. The filmmakers⁢ showcase the power of traditional practices ‍like songs, dances, and body decorations as vital forms ⁤of communication​ and cultural expression.

Strength in Unity

The documentary​ highlights the collective spirit of indigenous communities, showing how⁢ they⁢ stand in solidarity with one another. It features inspiring stories of resilience, ⁤leadership, and the determination to fight for ‍their rights.

Call to Action

The filmmakers urge ‍viewers to recognize ​the significance of ⁤indigenous movements and support their ongoing struggles. The documentary concludes with a powerful message: “In Congress and on the streets of Brazil, the indigenous movement ⁤shouts: No⁤ to Marco ​Temporal!”

About the Filmmakers

The documentary is a ⁤collaborative effort by‍ three talented indigenous filmmakers, each with ⁢their own unique ⁤perspectives and experiences.

Vanuzia Pataxó is a Pataxó native with a background in social and human sciences.
Kerexu Martim ‍ is a young Guarani ‍filmmaker who has already received awards for her work.
* Francy Baniwa is​ an⁣ anthropologist, photographer, and filmmaker known for her work on indigenous issues.


“Our Way of Fighting” is a captivating and ​timely documentary that showcases the⁤ resilience, creativity,⁤ and determination‍ of indigenous communities in ​Brazil. It is a ​must-watch for anyone interested in understanding‌ the contemporary indigenous ‌movement and the importance of preserving cultural practices.

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