Out-of-pocket spending on health, can it be reduced with prevention?

by time news

2023-11-03 19:00:59

One of the consequences of the pandemic was a considerable increase in the out-of-pocket health spending. Even before, an increase had already been recorded that has a direct impact on the population’s economy. Therefore, in addition to taking care of people’s well-being, it is also necessary to offer an alternative for this financial problem.

What is out-of-pocket health spending?

In its simplest definition, it is everything that a person must pay directly for everything related to their medical care and purchase of medicines.

One of the objectives of the universalization of health is to guarantee free medical care for the entire population. To date there are very few nations in the world that have achieved this goal.

For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that out of pocket expense should not exceed between 30 and 40% of the total expenditure on health. Furthermore, the international organization decreed in its 2010 report that the more a country relies on the direct payments to finance the health system, it will be more difficult to achieve universal access to quality health services.

How can out-of-pocket health spending be reduced?

According to Dr. A.S. Luis Fernando Hernandez Lezamapresident of the Technical Committee of I am patient, 49% of the population goes to private hospitals, private doctors’ offices, as well as offices adjacent to pharmacies (CAFs) to attend to their health. This represents a higher proportion than the 43.4% registered in 2018, that is, more than 5 percentage points.

“Health care is being privatized like never before because even people with access to social security do not attend their clinic, they only do so if they need to pick up medications or for medical documentation.”

For its part, the most recent report of the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH)reveals that from 2018 to 2022, the annual expenditure that Mexican families made on health went from 4,401 pesos to 5,650 pesos, showing an average difference of 1,249 pesos, that is, a 28% increase in their expenditures. to maintain or ensure family health.

A practice that distorts health spending is medical prescriptions, in which an average of five medications are prescribed, when what is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)is less than three drugs.

With all of the above in mind, a culture of prevention is the best way to reduce the out-of-pocket health spending in Mexican families. Instead of waiting for the appearance of diseases, which are often detected in advanced stages, it is necessary to focus on promoting healthy styles.

Likewise, it is necessary to promote the habit of periodic medical check-ups. Most Mexicans only go to a doctor when they feel bad, although in reality they should do so any day of the year.

The WHO recommends that the adult population should go to a general medical consultation at least once a year regardless of the patient’s condition. The objective is to verify your condition to identify if you have any condition and immediately begin personalized treatment.

Also read:

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