Outdated phone numbers and absences are challenges in relieving healthcare queues in MS

by time news

2023-09-13 18:41:00

Secretariat asks patients to attend and look for health centers to update their registration

Patient treated during a state program action in August (Photo: Disclosure/SES)

The absence of patients and the outdated personal data in the SUS (Unified Health System) registry have worried the SES (State Health Department) of Mato Grosso do Sul, since the beginning of the MS Saúde program, in July. It is an ongoing task force in the Capital and in the interior, to remove people from long waiting lists for non-urgent surgeries and tests essential for diagnosing diseases.

This Tuesday (12), for example, a group of colonoscopy exams carried out in Dourados recorded 80% of absent patients, according to the secretariat’s superintendent, Maria Angélica Benetasso. Even though they were contacted in advance by the program’s teams and confirmed their presence, they did not show up.

As there are resources invested in each action, the absence generates losses not only for the patient himself, but also for the public coffers, which encourage the action with additional resources sent to city halls and passed on to health institutions.

There are people who have been waiting for more than a year for this exam and much longer for surgery. “Without showing up and without having updated data, we fail to guarantee these people’s access to what they need. Unfortunately, they are left suffering”, says Benetasso. The superintendent also highlights that health professionals are idle, when they could be helping to solve the problems of patients who attended.

What happens – The superintendent also explains that SES does not “give up” on the patient if he does not show up. The teams try to schedule a new date in another contact.

Anyone who was not called because their phone numbers and addresses were out of date, but managed to update them recently, will also not be removed from the waiting list. The next in line is called when contact with the previous patient is unsuccessful. Afterwards, a new attempt will be made to respond to what was left behind in a new action.

How to update – The only way to update the SUS registration, used by the SES and municipal health departments to call patients to the task force, is to go to the health center closest to your home.

Just look for the basic health unit reception to update (Photo: Archive/Caroline Maldonado)

It is necessary to provide the updated address and at least two contact telephone numbers, one of which can be for messages. Landline and cell phone numbers are accepted.

Scheduling of exams and surgeries in the program is done via phone call only. You must pay attention to attend and confirm your presence on the indicated date, time and location.

Community health agents also help with this. When visiting homes, they have been collecting names and telephone numbers of residents to update records at health units in the neighborhoods.

MS Saúde: More Health, Less Queues – The action is developed by SES in several health institutions. The expectation is that it will continue until the end of this year.

The program still does not have a partial balance of services, according to the superintendent. The first data will be gathered by the end of September.

In total, 136 types of surgical procedures and 74 types of exams for diagnostic purposes will be offered, including procedures with sedation.

The Covid-19 pandemic and lack of specialists in the interior of the State are the main factors cited as the cause of the dampened demand for non-urgent exams and surgeries, so-called elective.

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