outrage after Florida court rules teen ‘not mature enough’ to abort

by time news

Le hashtag « BoycottFlorida » continued to film, Friday August 19, less than a week after a Florida appeals court decided to uphold a decision ruling that a 16-year-old orphan was not “not mature enough” to abort.

An appeals court on Monday upheld the decision of Escambia County Judge Jennifer Frydrychowicz to deny a request for an abortion from a 16-year-old woman, known by the pseudonym « Jane Doe 22-B »on the pretext that it had failed to prove “that she was mature enough to decide to terminate her pregnancy”. « Jane Doe 22-B » was only ten weeks pregnant when she made her request for an abortion because she could not obtain the consent of at least one of her parents, both deceased, an essential condition for minors wishing to have an abortion in Florida.

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On Wednesday, elected American women stood up against what they consider to be a “war on women” in Florida. “It is a dangerous and terrifying example”rebuked the elected Democrat of this state in the south-east of the United States, Lois Frankel, who judged the decision “unacceptable” and called for “fighting for the health, safety and freedom of women”.

“In what world is a 16 year old too immature to have an abortion but mature enough to bear and raise a child? »also questioned on Twitter the elected Democrat of Ohio, Joyce Beatty, supported by her colleagues Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey and Katherine Clark of Massachusetts.

The case and the criticisms targeting Florida have gone beyond state lines. California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom sent this message to “Jane Doe 22-B” on Thursday: “California is not Florida. We just passed laws that will protect you. »

This judgment comes less than two months after US Supreme Court’s historic U-turnwhich at the end of June reconsidered the constitutional guarantee of the right to abortion which it had established in 1973 by the judgment « Roe v. Wade »leaving the American states to legislate freely on the question.

Read also: Illegal abortion in the United States: Facebook criticized for providing justice with private messages

A dozen states have already taken the opportunity to ban abortion, most of the time without exception in cases of incest, rape or danger to the health of the mother. Associations for the defense of women’s rights fear that nearly half of the States will be affected in the long term. In Florida, abortion is still legal until the fifteenth week after the last period.

The World with AFP

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