Outrageous! They find 10-year-olds working at a US McDonald’s until 2 am

by time news

2023-05-04 05:36:53

In the midst of the crisis that one of the largest franchises in the world, McDonald’s, has been experiencing, since the company has recently reported massive layoffs and some closures in its offices in the United States, this time the The Department of Labor of this country denounced the discovery of minors working in one of the restaurants of the fast food chain.

The fact has caused the indignation of the local population, because they were two 10-year-old boys seen working until 2 a.m. at a Louisville restaurant, in the state of Kentucky, and according to the United States Department of Labor, The minors would not have been paid for their work.

“Working in a kitchen late at night near dangerous kitchen equipment it is a reality for many adults in the food service industry. But finding 10-year-olds in such a work environment is cause for concern.”, the US organ began by indicating in its letter, indicating that even a small he was allowed to use a deep fryer.

The identification of the minors has not been revealed for protection, but the authorities have mentioned the indignation that the fact entails. It was also announced that a investigation against the franchise for abuse of child labor, and it was added that those responsible must pay a large sum of money as a fine.

“Too often, employers don’t follow child labor laws that protect young workers. Under no circumstances should a 10-year-old working in a fast-food kitchen be around hot grills, ovens, and fryers.”said Karen Garnett-Civils, who is the district director for the Wage and Hour Division in Louisville,

Well, the investigation has directed attention to three franchises of the fast food chain that operate in 4 states, in one of these, children under 10 years of age were found working without pay and until the wee hours of the morningan act that was the most indignant of the authorities, which led to a a fine of $39,711 dollars, which is equivalent to approximately $185,285,000 million Colombian pesos.

“Investigators also determined that two 10-year-old boys were employed, but not paid.and sometimes they worked until 2 am Below the minimum working age, they prepared and distributed food orders, cleaned the store, worked at the window, and operated a registry,” the Department of Labor indicated in its letter, noting that, even, the use of fryers was prohibited for young people under 16 years of age.

It was further emphasized, as part of the investigation, that there are three franchisees in charge of operating 62 restaurants in Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio, in which they employed 305 minorsbut they would not be complying with the legal criteria, These young people would be working more than the hours allowed and carrying out actions that should only be operated by trained adults.

Minors who would be working in the aforementioned franchises They are young people from 14 to 16 years old, some of them would have even worked during school hours and they would have been breached salary payments. With respect to these violations against children, the franchises will have to pay a total of $212,544 in fines, which is equivalent to about $991,698,000 million Colombian pesos.

“We are seeing an increase in federal child labor violations, including allowing minors to operate equipment or handle types of work that endanger or employ them for longer hours or later in the day than federal law allowsl,” Garnett-Civils added.

And he stressed: “An employer who hires young workers must know the rules. An employer, parent or young worker with questions You may contact us for assistance in understanding your obligations and rights under the law.”

#Outrageous #find #10yearolds #working #McDonalds

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