OVD-Info: Over 6,400 people detained at anti-war rallies in Russia | News from Germany about Russia | DW

by time news

In Russia, more than 6440 people were detained during the anti-war actions taking place after the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. The human rights project “OVD-Info” presented such data on Monday, February 28.

Most of all detentions in Moscow – at least 3126 people. About 2,100 people were detained in St. Petersburg. In other cities, the number of detainees did not exceed the four-digit mark, human rights activists pointed out. “We recorded 103 cities where there were arrests at anti-war actions over the past five days,” OVD-Info said.

Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine has drawn strong condemnation from many countries. Actions of solidarity with Ukraine have begun in many states. A number of countries have introduced new punitive measures against the Russian Federation. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov were included in the sanctions lists of the United States, the European Union, Great Britain, Australia and Canada.

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