Over 1750 people have been treated so far at the Oman clinic, five were evacuated to Kiev and Odessa

by time news

Over 1,750 people received medical attention and assistance (so far – Rosh Hashanah originators) at the Uman Clinic located in the Kluij compound, near the Zion Rabbi Nachman of Breslav ztzel, during the operation to ensure the safety of the Breslav Hasidim who arrived in the city of Uman in Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah.

Nachi Klein, one of the clinic’s managers, said: “During the holiday, two patients were evacuated to a hospital in Odessa in ambulances of the Rescue Union. On the eve of the holiday, three patients were evacuated to hospitals in Kyiv for further treatment. So far, the clinic has treated two cases of minor car accidents, a young man who fell from a height, and hundreds of cases of pain Stomach, breathing problems, fractures, cuts, and injuries, some of which required stitches, and other medical cases.”

Yisrael Klein, the manager of the clinic’s logistics system, added: “The medical staff at the Oman Clinic (doctors – paramedics and medics) will remain on standby and available in the coming days to provide a quick and immediate response in any emergency.”

Illustration. Photo: Ihud Hatzla Oman branch

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