Overtalking: A Possible Sign of ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Anxiety

by time news

Overtalking, which involves talking for long periods without letting another person speak, rambling about special interests, or interrupting someone to get your thoughts in, could be a sign of certain mental health conditions like ADHD, bipolar disorder, and anxiety, according to experts. Many overtalkers are not aware they are doing it or why they do it.

Dr. Carolyn Rubenstein, a licensed therapist in Florida, explains that overtalking is not a bidirectional conversation but more of a monologue, where the other person’s contribution to the conversation is not acknowledged. She also notes that many overtalkers are not aware of their behavior until it is pointed out to them.

While overtalking itself is not indicative of a mental health condition, it can be associated with certain conditions. Autism, for example, is a developmental disability that affects social communication and interaction. Individuals with autism may display overtalking behaviors, although overtalking alone does not automatically make someone autistic.

ADHD, another prevalent condition, is typically diagnosed in childhood but can also affect adults. People with ADHD may exhibit symptoms such as excessive talking, interrupting others, and being easily distracted. Dr. Rubenstein explains that impulsivity and the need for stimulation are common traits in individuals with ADHD, leading them to talk excessively.

Anxiety, often characterized by racing thoughts and a fear of silence, can also contribute to overtalking. People with anxiety may talk to avoid dealing with silence or as a way to dispel nervous energy. Bipolar disorder, which causes extreme mood swings, can also manifest as pressured speech, where individuals think so quickly that their words cannot keep up.

The increasing diagnoses of these mental health conditions highlight the importance of recognizing overtalking as a potential symptom or indication. Early intervention and proper treatment, such as therapy and medication, can help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

It is essential to raise awareness and understanding of mental health conditions, as half the population could have a mental health condition by age 75. By recognizing and addressing overtalking, individuals can seek the necessary support to manage their mental health effectively.

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