Overwolf for Mommies: So what exactly do you do in Overwolf?

by time news

Let’s say you have an interview, or more amazing than that – you were accepted to work at the gaming company overwolf. Now, how do you explain what Overwolf is to your parents, friends, and other non-gamers in your life? That’s exactly why we are there (and ice cream)

Let’s say you have an interview at Overwolf, the hot gaming startup (we’re trying to be objective, but how can we?!) that has developed a platform for creating, distributing and monetizing mods and apps for PC games. Sounds good. Who doesn’t love gaming? eSports and thanks But now – go explain it to your friends, the non-gamers (we all have them, don’t judge). Or your parents, who are still surprisingly loyal to Bubbles. Or to your exes, when you meet at a wedding and you have to prove to them that you’re doing fine despite everything.

So you are lucky to have arrived, and welcome toWalkthrough For the not-so-simple side quest at all – how to explain what an overwolf is to people who don’t know what an overwolf is?

So let’s think of Overwolf as a kind of open laboratory for the production of ice cream flavors and additives. The existing computer games are vanilla ice cream in the most basic and raw form: white in color, not bad taste but rather basic – which is nice and all (still ice cream, yes?) but not something wow and exciting. It can wear itself out pretty quickly.

Now, what if someone wants to spice things up a bit? What if someone has an idea for some crazy flavor, some hummus-caramel with falafel chocolate crackling? Or let’s say purple-green ice cream flavored with grapes, with sparkling wine and 0 calories? Excellent, because in Overwolf’s laboratory everything is possible – any flavor and any addition.

Well, almost every flavor and every topping. It should of course be tasty, experiential and relevant (and not offensive, as offensive as ice cream flavors can be). And it should be in demand among the ice cream lovers community. That is, to have someone who will say “Wow, great, how would this crazy ice cream like this suit me right now, what a hummus-caramel flavor like that with chocolate-falafel crackling to make every polish experiential and interesting. How fun that someone thought of such a thing!”.

So these flavors and additions are exactly the game mods and apps that can be made through the Overwolf platform, and the ice cream fan community is actually the gamer community. Developers of mods and apps can produce endless flavors and additions for gamers – the lab already has everything: all the tools, recipes, knowledge, guidance and support needed to produce the most valuable and delicious things, in the easiest and simplest way possible. Just come and start creating (and then also earn money, the more demand there is for your ice cream. That is, for your mod or app).

That way, while all the gamers in the world eat the exact same ice cream (that is, the same basic game, which is also called vanilla in the language of gamers), everyone gets it in a completely different flavor, according to their preferences and according to the additions and flavors they chose to download from the Overwolf store. You can, of course, also combine several flavors and toppings, or alternatively decide to do one day with one flavor and another day with a different flavor – each according to what he likes. And the cool part is that this ice cream lab has millions of customers who come to it every day, looking for the new, exciting, delusional, beautiful, strange flavor – the one that suits them best, right now.

And the more successful the ice cream you invented – that is, the more popular the mod or app you developed on Overwolf’s platform is among gamers – the more money you will earn. In fact, there is actually a new profession created here, and there are mod and app developers who have literally taken their passion and turned it into a career. Some even earn as much as an average Golda branch.

So the next time you try to explain what an overwolf is to people who don’t know what an overwolf is – think ice cream. Only that instead of 36 types of ice cream, Overwolf has an infinite number, and you can also play with it. Just try not to lick the PC – at your own risk.

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