Özden Terli: The media must name the climate crisis “more frequently and more drastically”.

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media Ozden Sweaty

The media must name the climate crisis “more frequently and more drastically”, the ZDF meteorologist demands

“If global warming rises to two degrees, the consequences will affect several hundred million people

“If global warming rises to two degrees, the consequences will affect several hundred million people,” warns Özden Terli

Source: ZDF and Torsten Silz

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Climate change should actually be the top topic in the news, says Özden Terli. The ZDF weather presenter defends the fact that he himself argues very offensively: “I have to disagree when politicians tell some nonsense.”

ZDF weather presenter Ozden Sweaty turns to the public with an appeal: He calls on his media colleagues to “clearly name the consequences of climate change, even if it is painful”. The meteorologist, who studied meteorology, told the Evangelical Press Service (epd) in an interview that it was an existential threat that endangered the entire social structure. “I don’t think people have understood that yet. Or they repress it.”

It is important to “present the consequences of the climate crisis more frequently and more drastically and at the same time show the solutions”. Terli also spoke out in favor of better training for journalists in the natural sciences, and at the same time pleaded for greater personal commitment in reporting.

In response to the question: “Is climate change a turning point for journalistic self-image – in the sense of: When saving the planet, journalists must not remain neutral, must also get involved with the matter?” Answers the 51-year-old : “Why should one look at an existential question in a neutral way? I’ve never understood that. The quote from Hajo Friedrichs was taken out of context. He has often very well “made mean” himself.”

Terli accuses politicians of diversionary tactics

Terli accused politicians of not reacting appropriately to the real threat scenarios. The necessary expansion of climate-friendly technologies has been slowed down by governments in the past decade. The meteorologist doubted that “with such an existential question” there was still time for a dispute about different solutions.

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The solutions are known. “Aren’t the attempts to argue just diversionary maneuvers so that we can just carry on like this?” Terli asked, warning of the destruction of democracy. “If global warming rises to two degrees, the consequences will affect several hundred million people.”

The meteorologist, who is also active on Twitter(@TerliWetter), at the same time accused parts of the public of scandalization. “You can no longer discuss without some paper, especially from the right-wing conservative milieu, turning it into a scandal. Also, of course, to attack public television. It’s annoying,” said Terli.

“I only convey scientific facts”

He defended that he himself stepped out of the role of the factual weather moderator on Twitter. “I’m not trying to scandalize, but I have to disagree when politicians say some nonsense.” Global warming is already 1.3 degrees. “Everything has to go much, much faster,” said Terli. The moderator said that he was still surprised that his committed demeanor also aroused criticism.

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“Since 2016/17, I’ve been addressing climate issues more,” says Terli. “I had an idea of ​​the direction this was going, but I was still completely naïve at how much focus you then get. I think that’s totally crazy, because I only convey scientific facts. “In the broadcaster, however, after “own discussions” he is now “widely supported” in his course.

Özden Terli has been an editor and presenter in the ZDF weather department since 2013. After training as an electronics technician for telecommunications systems, the native of Cologne took his Abitur and then studied meteorology in Berlin.

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In 2021 he received the Environmental Media Prize of the German Environmental Aid for the clear communication of scientific information on climate change. This year he was also nominated for the Grimme Prize for his journalistic achievements in the Information and Culture competition.

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