Pablo Iglesias-Yolanda Daz, battle in the metaverse

by time news


Pablo Iglesias has opened hostilities against Yolanda Díaz, whom he himself named successor. Podemos and Daz need each other, but they don’t love each other. The ‘purple’ party feels neglected and she is looking for a project in which she does not send Podemos.


three years ago now, paul churches reached a heaven, something more modest than he had foreseen in his dreams, by becoming essential for the investiture of Pedro Sanchez. The vice president lasted only one year in office, he was a candidate to stop Ayuso and catapulted her into the heavens, left the leadership of the party in the hands of two women, and retired to her podcast and gatherings from where he lashed out at the media and journalists indiscriminately.

For some reason that we could only find in a multidisciplinary analysis -political, media, psychological and anthropological-, Pablo Iglesias retains the ability to shake, shake and stir the patio of the PSOE’s left when he decides to go on stage. What Pedro Sánchez described as the political space of Yolanda Diaz it is far from being the exclusive property of the second vice president, en route to Spain with her Sumar project, whose acts are having a large influx of public. Iglesias continues to have a very visible part of that space in usufruct. It has become clear after the blunt warning that he made at the party’s University to the woman that he himself hand-picked as his successor. You must respect Podemos so that Podemos respects you. The fight between Pablo Iglesias and Yolanda Díaz has its own characteristics. We could place it in the elusive terrain of the metaverse, a reality that looks like fiction and a fiction that looks like reality. Yolanda Daz and Podemos need each other but they don’t love each other.

Pablo Iglesias during his speech
Pablo Iglesias during his speech at the Uni de Otoo de Podemos, on November 6.Angel Navarrete

How has this come about? Supporters of one and the other have different views of the same events. Pablo Iglesias believed that Yolanda would accept Podemos as the mothership of his project, he left her as his successor in the Vice Presidency and in the candidacy for the general elections because she trusted that in the end she would jump through the hoop. Perhaps Yolanda was naive in thinking that her social leadership, so clear in the polls, was going to be accepted without further ado by the leaders of Podemos, point out the supporters of Dáz, led by the top leaders of what remains of the United Left. .

The leaders of Podemos and many militants have felt offended and ignored by Yolanda Daz. Pablo Iglesias has given voice to this accumulated discomfort since in his first act of Sumar in Valencia he did not invite the general secretary, Ione Herbpoint out the faithful of Iglesias.

The founder of Podemos seems to be in a clear minority in his political and media space. No one -or almost no one- has come out to agree with his criticism of Daz. Almost certainly because Iglesias has fought with almost the entire world, starting with those who were his traveling companions and ending with those who followed him wherever he went from outside. Yolanda has never disrespected the militants or the voters of Podemos. This is up to the national leadership. The leaders and regional public officials of Podemos are participating in the Sumar acts of all the communities, point out the faithful of Dáz.

In the conversations of a place that still has no name or form for an electoral candidacy, there is much talk these days of a virtue that consists of knowing how to withdraw in a timely manner. In recent decades there have been many examples of leaders who tried to condition the management of the successors that they themselves appointed. There is a detail of the spectacular intervention of Iglesias in the Autumn University of Podemos that has not gone unnoticed and that is commented on in a critical tone even by positions of Podemos.

The strong, masculine leader who left two women in charge to foster more empathetic leadership has had to take the stage to say what his heirs, Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, dare not say in public. Even more. In the sectors that are grouped around Sumar, it is considered that the true victim of Iglesias is Ione Belarra, general secretary of Podemos elected in primaries, who although she is on maternity leave, silently attended the speech of her predecessor. In the vice president’s team they emphasize that in the Sumar acts many women express the desire that a woman can lead a candidacy for the Presidency of the Government.

The Second Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda D.
The Second Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Daz, at a Sumar event in Logroo.EFE

The leadership of Podemos, like other voices on the left of the PSOE, appreciates that Yolanda Díaz’s delay in deciding whether or not to present herself to the next general elections is harming the entire space. Improvising candidacies throughout Spain without a previous structure, without knowing whether to be a party, a coalition or a group of voters is not easy. You have to specify and Yolanda gets lost in metaphysical messages to look good. You have to go down to earth, they point out in Podemos. That is why this party is preparing all its candidacies for the municipal and regional elections in May. Without knowing, for the time being, if there will be coalitions with the IU and other forces on the left.

For its part, Daz’s team states that there is no rush to finalize the candidacy because there is still a year to go. Yolanda has never said that she would not talk to the parties for a hypothetical candidacy for the general elections, she will do so at her own time. The electoral expectations of the sectors that are grouped around Sumar are high. They believe that they can exceed three million voters thanks to the popular pull of the vice president.

The possibility that Podemos and Yolanda Díaz present themselves separately, since Iglesias’ party does not accept the dissolution in the Sumar project, as the vice president seeks, begins to open the way. Before the look of concern of all the left.


The call you have made Alberto Nez Feijo the socialist barons of the communities to rebel against Pedro Sanchez for the reform of the crime of sedition has some precedents in recent decades. The Socialists made this same call to the PP deputies in the hardest moments of the war in Iraq so that they would vote against the plans of the then president, José Mara Aznar. They didn’t get it. More recently, Albert Rivera asked from the rostrum of the Congress to the parliamentarians of the PP that they rebel against Mariano Rajoy for his performance in the plot Grtel. Neither was the case. Feijo’s appeal has all the earmarks of ending like the previous ones. It is one thing to criticize the reform, as they have done Javier Lambn y Emiliano Garca-Pageand another is to prevent its approval in Congress.

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