Pablo Lyle’s lawyers will appeal the sentence

by time news

The lawyers of Pablo Lyle They assure that the actor should not have spent a day in jail, because when the episode of the traffic incident occurred, he was only trying to defend his family who was traveling in the car, so after his sentence was announced, of 5 years in prison and 8 probation, your defense will appeal.

“In my opinion his conviction was wrong and it still is, of course we are going to appeal, he is innocent, he did not break the law of the state of Florida, he only defended his family”said the lawyer Philip Reizenstein in interview for “Windowing”.

For the lawyer, the prosecutors of the Court made mistakes and it was an exaggeration that they asked for 15 years in prison for Pablo, and they did not seek justice but revenge; This, he assures him, has nothing to do with the feelings of the Hernández family, who lost a relative and his pain is understood.

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“It is crazy that some prosecutors requested a 15-year sentence for someone who has no criminal record, this has nothing to do with the Hernández family, we understand what they are asking for, they lost a loved one and it is logical, but the prosecutors of the Court should seek justice and not revenge”expressed Travelstein.

The defense reiterated that if Mr. Juan Ricardo Hernandez had not gotten out of the car and hit the window of the car where Lyle and his family were traveling, the unpleasant moment that culminated in a death would not have occurred.

“Ask yourselves this, would we be here if Mr. Hernández had not gotten out of his car? Florida doesn’t tolerate angry people getting out at car incidents and banging on windows, and that terrified the kids.”ended.

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