Pablo Messiez once again stars in the Madrid theater billboard with Los Gestos at Teatro Valle-Inclán – | ACHTUNG!

by time news

2023-12-01 15:49:21

From December 1 to January 14 it will be performed at the Valle-Inclán Theater from Madrid, The gestureshand in hand with Pablo Messiez. A new production in which the National Dramatic Center y Teatro Kamikaze.

Each new work is an attempt to understand something more about the specificity of theater. Provoke an experience that acquires its best meaning there. And since theater is a laboratory of the world, each new work is an attempt to understand something more about life. Each new work is an impossible attempt. “We are not going to arrive, but we are going to go.

This attempt is about gestures. Of those we do, of those that happen to us.

The focus on gestures is also the focus on what cannot be written. In what theater has that is extra-literary. In what acquires meaning in the incarnation, in the presence. In the things that the body does as a result of coming into relationship.

The procedures that will structure the issue will be repetition and displacement. Make the gesture. Return to the gesture. Repetition as superposition. Repetition as a tool to access knowledge of the body. Or, as Bazin wrote, repetition as an intensity, as an eternity.

Returning to the gesture is returning to the site. Is it folding time? He already seen as a dramaturgical procedure. “The gestures are all repeated / There is nothing today that is not an echo.

But also the search – the desire – for an uncapturable gesture. Newborn. As Didi Huberman wrote, a gesture that opens a night. Let him overdo the things of the day.

A mobile stillness that holds the future in the present? A suspension, like that of the body that searches for the word it has forgotten?

Pablo Messiez

This Argentine professional based in Spain has become a regular on the country’s main theater billboards. A creator who has not hesitated to explore various structures to communicate what he has tried to communicate through his works. Thus, how one raises a topic makes it more accessible to understand it, by composing its elements in a certain way. Consider that the individual who does philosophy, literature and performing arts about human conditiongoes through the paradoxical circumstance of having its own species as an object of study.

There is that many of the works of Pablo Messiez They emanate a certain “hunger for knowledge”, but not so much from the type of data accumulation; but rather, that it would correspond to generating a favorable terrain so that what is experienced in everyday life is conceived as something extraordinary, and therefore, worthy of observing carefully. Without further ado, I give you the synopsis of The gestures:

It seems that Topazia has inherited a circular room in which she wants to open a bar. Well, actually she wants to act again, but it’s easier to take people to a bar than to a theater, which makes sense, since a beer doesn’t disappoint. So she’s going to open the bar and put a stage inside.

It seems that Sergio helps her set up a tribute to the Italian singer Mina. She directs her gestures to him. It seems that he is her boyfriend, but they are not sure. It seems that a man with eyes of ancient terror suddenly appears. It seems that this arrival generates some concern in everyone.

There also seems to be a young pianist. And an old dancer. It seems that they come from another time and it seems that this time is going in fits and starts, blinking.

It seems that something is happening with the gestures. As if they were also jumping. -Do they blink?- They have moved places, it seems, like in an earthquake that now makes sense tremble. Nobody knows anymore if he does what he does because he wants to or if he just repeats what someone has done before.

It seems that this before is relative. That it cannot be determined whether what happens precedes or follows what follows. Or what things were lost in the blink of an eye.

It looks like someone has been to Rome. And there time unfolds and retracts. And after Rome, everything is little.

It seems that that is all that can be said, for now, about this work.

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