PACE fully confirmed the powers of the Russian delegation | News from Germany about Europe | DW

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The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has expressed concern about a number of serious violations of the rule of law and human rights taking place in the Russian Federation. But, despite this, she decided to confirm the powers of the members of the new Russian delegation without restrictions.

In making this decision, PACE indicated that “the EU, NATO, OSCE and the United States, while directly criticizing the behavior of the Russian authorities, did not interrupt their relations with Moscow in order to maintain a dialogue on security in Europe.” This is stated in the resolution “Appeal on substantial grounds of the non-ratified powers of the parliamentary delegation of the Russian Federation”, adopted on Wednesday, January 26, in Strasbourg. 97 deputies spoke in support of this document, 41 voted against.

Facts of Violations of CE Principles

The powers of the new Russian delegation were challenged at the opening of the PACE session on Monday, January 24, with reference to Russia’s violations of the principles of the Charter of the Council of Europe (CoE). In particular, articles that say that each member state of the CE must respect the principle of the rule of law and guarantee the observance of human rights.

Piero Fassino (archive photo)

Ten paragraphs of the resolution on the powers of the State Duma delegation, which was prepared on behalf of the PACE monitoring committee by the Italian socialist deputy Piero Fassino, lists the facts of the deterioration of the situation in Russia with respect for fundamental rights and freedoms in Russia. Among them, the assembly names the persecution of the political opposition, independent journalists, social activists and non-governmental organizations.

Separately, the document mentions the closure of the Human Rights Center “Memorial”, the imprisonment of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the imperfect electoral legislation, in accordance with which elections to the State Duma were held in September 2021.

In addition, PACE “expressed regret” that Russia has not yet fulfilled the “requirements and requests” of a number of assembly resolutions adopted “in the context of the 2008 war between the Russian Federation and Georgia”, as well as “military intervention in the Donbass and the annexation of Crimea by Russia “. PACE also expressed “deep concern about the escalation of tensions that threaten security in Europe and about the buildup of military forces along the border with Ukraine.”

Conclusion: ratify powers without limits

After that, the resolution states that “although the above fears justify the issue of Russia’s respect for its obligations as a member state of the Council of Europe,” however, PACE is “a unique pan-European platform for political dialogue.” “The Assembly can play its important role only if Russia takes full part in the work of its bodies,” the document notes.

“Thus, the assembly decides to ratify the credentials of the members of the Russian delegation,” is the final conclusion of the resolution. All the proposed amendments aimed at ensuring that the powers of the Russian delegation were ratified even with minor restrictions (depriving its members of being elected PACE rapporteurs or being members of monitoring missions), the assembly did not support.

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