Pacemaker at 106 years old, while they operate on her, she talks about her life – Italia-Mondo

by times news cr

2024-04-21 04:00:22

(ANSA) – BOLOGNA, APRIL 20 – At 106 years old she underwent surgery under local anesthesia to implant a pacemaker and during the operation she told the doctors about her century of life. It happened in recent days at the Cento hospital in the Ferrara area. The protagonist is Mrs Aide Borgatti, operated on by a team led by Biagio Sassone, director of Cardiology at the Cento hospital. “Although I have already worked on centenarian patients, it is not common to implant a pacemaker in a patient at the age of 106”, says Professor Sassone. The operation, explains the Ferrara Local Health Authority, took place without complications and the following day the patient was discharged to her home. But what struck me about Mrs. Aide was her “extraordinary lucidity,” explains Sassone, and her perfect mental state. Her lively mind and the clarity of her thoughts and memories are truly impressive. During the talk, we discussed extensively about her life that began in 1918, at the end of the First World War. For me, a fan of 20th century Italian history, it was like opening a history book. We said goodbye with the hope of seeing each other again in a dozen years, when the pacemaker battery is replaced.” (ANSA).

2024-04-21 04:00:22

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