Pacheco speaks of a ‘collaborative spirit’ with the government and asks for approval of the fiscal framework by June

by time news

2023-05-23 19:33:20

President of Congress met with Fernando Haddad, Roberto Campos Neto, Arthur Lira and other deputies to discuss Parliament’s priority agenda and spoke of ‘good perspective’ for matters

Edilson Rodrigues/Agência SenadoAt the table, President of the Federal Senate, Senator Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) conducts a session

The Presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate, Arthur Lira (PP-AL) e Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), respectively, met this Tuesday, 23, with the Minister of Finance, fernando haddadand the president of the Central Bank, Roberto Campos Netoto discuss Parliament’s priority agendas at the end of this first semester: the approval of the new fiscal framework it’s at tax reform. In conversation with journalists after the meeting, Pacheco spoke at a time of “stability, communion of efforts, of a very healthy relationship” between the Legislative and the Executive: “Both Powers listening to civil society, especially the productive sector, so that we can receive support for the changes that are important for Brazil to have and face them”, he said. Pacheco’s speech takes place on the eve of the vote on the merits of the new fiscal framework in the Chamber, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, the 24th. assured the parliamentarian.

“There is a good perspective for the next few days of the fiscal milestone within the Chamber, as soon as the project reaches the Senate we will take care of giving the project the due speed, because it is very important to be able to deliver this fiscal milestone this semester”, defended the senator, who spoke of promoting a “reformist reality of the National Congress” and of building a “collaborative spirit with the Lula government and its team”. “We are in the same boat and we want this boat called Brazil to always navigate with a strong commitment to society, for us to have good future results. It is a time for harmony, it is a time for dialogue and, God willing, in the near future, great achievements by the National Congress together with the federal government”, he concluded.

In a similar speech, the president of the Chamber said that the Legislative Houses “will be working together with the government so that the matters can be approved in the most effective way possible”. Minister Fernando Haddad, in turn, said he was “impressed” with the conversation as he realized that there is consensus around the two agendas – fiscal framework and tax reform. “We have to vote on the milestone and we have to vote on the reform, there wasn’t a single dissenting voice regarding the urgency of boosting Brazil’s economic development,” he said. He also stated that the Ministry of Finance “has nothing to complain about” in the dialogue it maintains with Congress and the Federal Supreme Court. “We are doing a good job together, everyone with a lot of humility, nobody puts themselves as the owner of the truth”, he concluded.

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